Lander hunt wrapped up

Well my deer season here in Lander WY just expired on the 22. I had a great time and was able to harvest a small 3x2 buck that was 2 years old. I guess I can't complain. My buddy was quite a bit more picky and ended up with nothing to show for it. He still had a good time just getting out and hunting. This was the first year in a while that the four point or better rule did not apply for the Lander region and I think it was quite the hunting season if you know what I mean. Lots of bucks met their demise. Just wanted to update everyone and say thanks for the advice earlier in the year. This site is full of good folks seems to me. I had quite a few decent bucks picked out for the season but after the opener I couldn't find them. I don't have 4 wheeler either and we got enough snow to prevent me from getting my truck back in some areas I had planned on hunting. Anybody else hunt around Lander this year? Or does anyone have a late season Dubois tag? I've heard that can be quite good.

Congrats on a successful hunt and your buck. :thumb
Beretta_7, Thanks for the update and Congrats on getting your buck. It's hard to draw the tag but that late season in 128/129 produces some nice muleys. When the rut heats up in November the big boys start to show up. Many times these 'Ole boys are nocternal or live in black timber until the rut brings them out. I've been thinking of applying for that hunt in the future.
CONGRATS Beretta_7!
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Thanks fellas it felt good to make a clean harvest and at least have some venison. I was a little frustrated after hunting the whole month of Sept. with my bow. You know how that goes ](*,)

In regards to the 128/129 Dubois tag it would be great if you drew out on one of those babies. I spoke with the warden in Dubois and he said it is almost too easy to get a big boy in the rut there :) The odds are only 4% to get drawn but with the new nonresident preference point system the odds get better if you keep at it. Good luck 4c let me know if you do get that tag!!