Last chance to hunt geese

Hunt for geese closes this Sunday, Jan. 29, and upland bird hunts end on Tuesday, Jan. 31, while cougar hunting remains open in northeast Oregon. :thumb

The Schneider Wildlife Area, east of Dayville, will close to all public entry from Feb. 1-April 14 to protect wintering mule deer, note Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife officials.

Don't forget that hunters age 17 and under must wear a fluorescent orange upper garment OR hat when hunting game mammals (deer, elk, bear, cougar, pronghorn, goat, sheep, western gray squirrel) with a firearm, as well as when hunting upland game birds (except turkey).

Deer are starting to move to the winter range and should provide a good viewing opportunity.
ODFW also reports there are a fair number of Bald Eagles which can be easily seen from Highway 26 or Highway 19.