last day crunch time

I tell ya the opening weekend hunt just sucked. Our hunting party and most the people on the hill we talked to could not even find deer never less bucks. I did finally find some does on the second day of opening weekend and at the end of the week it rapped up with 18 does found and no bucks.
With the last weekend approaching and a storm hitting hard I felt hopeful of at least getting 1 of the 6 tags filled. Friday is hear and I do a little scouting of some new hunting ground with no luck. I could only get one person that after the disappointing opener to come find new ground on Saturday I found a great new area with loads of deer and spotted a few nice bucks including a few 4 points.
Sunday I managed to get 2 of the group that wanted to fill tags with some good meat bucks horns did not matter as long as it had some.

We started out first light and split on an area that I saw 4 bucks on the day before. I moved to the back side of the hill incase they blew out the back on them.
Watching down a ravine and deaf in one ear a 4 point walked right up on my deaf side I spotted him the same time he spotted me and he was not waiting for me to unsling my rifle. After a few hours I called the boys up on the radio and made a plan to push through the timber to an adjacent hill and see if we could pull up the bucks.
It worked like a charm except that only one of us could see through the trees when they jumped but Andy made a shot on the first buck he saw and got a 4 point right in the pumper.
The next 4 hours where full of dragging and complaining about why he couldn’t shoot a 2 point clear down in the bottom of slippery hell LOL. We stashed the buck in some pines (tagged of course) so we could keep hunting and see if his brother could get a deer. It was 3:30 by the time we got the buck near the road and started heading back. We hit a stand of trees that we thought the other deer ran into and hoped they may of held up in but no luck. I said lets head back to the clearing and see if something crosses as it gets darker.
We found some sagebrush to sit on so we didn’t get our butts wet as we glassed. 30 min later we turned up a 2 point laying in the brush 400 yards away. Andy is military and has his brothers Austin’s 308 set up for distance they have been practicing and made shots with this gun at 800 yards on the distance course at the base. Andy coached his brother the hole time set the back pack up for a rest turned his turrets to 400 and took their time
Boom thwack right between the eyes.
I said why did you aim that high? He was afraid of the bullet dropping more than that so he held higher than he should of. He is 17 and still does not trust his equipment but that will come in time.
Another drag and we where back to the tuck by dark. I never filled my tag but I still have the extended archery and was not to worried I just wanted to get them filled.
All and all a great last day crunch time hunt." alt="" />
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That was a great write up... thanks for sharing! That was awesome of you to take those guys out and get them on some deer. Good luck on the extended!
Glad you guys turned things around from opening day. Interesting what a difference the snow can make in some areas.
Congrats on the success, good times!
right on! hard to complain about ANY buck on the last day.

great job!
one hunting fool
Thanks guys we had a great time. the best part is finding a new area that we can hunt for the next year.
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Great job. Thanks for sharing your story.