Last Minute Success!!

One resident deer tag--- 40.00
One box of 270 WSM ammo--- 29.99
Snacks and drinks for 4 days of hunting--- 50.00+
One orange hunting vest--- 6.99
Mile driven and gas used--- A LOT

Helping your wife shoot her best buck with your four year old son after making an 800 yard stalk, making a good shot in the last 20 min. of light on the last night of the hunt after four days of hunting and wearing your MuleyMadness T-shirt--- Priceless

When we started the hunt she said “I want a 4x4”. I told her that meant passing the smaller ones and maybe not getting one. The last evening of the hunt I was starting to sense just a small bit of frustration of the possibility of not getting one. However as the pictures show----she pulled it off the last night of the hunt in the last 20 mins. of the hunt. I kept telling her “the last 30 min are as good as the first 30 min”.

I have been involved in the taking of many mule deer and trophy mule deer. There is nothing that can substitute being with your wife or kids as they cross their first milestones of hunting.

Enjoy the pics.
Heads or Tails, a hearty CONGRATS to your wife on a fine buck!!! It really does make it even more special when the whole family is involved!

Was it a head shot?
:thumb :333 looks like she went for the head not the tail hehehe allways puts them down
Very nice! Congrats to your bride! :thumb
wow great buck. looks like she made a heckuva shot to! :thumb Congrats
o ya you can tell for sure now that it was a head shot. look at the bulged out eyes
Heads or Tails
Yes 'HAWK, she hit it about 4 inches below the right ear on the back of the neck. He was getting ready to walk over a small ridge away from us.

He was at a slight quatering away angle when i told her to shoot and she hit her mark. The bullet traveled all the way up and stopped in the skull.
I have a small side business where I do european mounts, my only very small bit of disappointment was that the skull got busted up. I will just have to get a replica skull to put the horns on.
Congrats one heck of a deer!!
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Nice Job to Michelle and family, great last minute buck for sure.

In fact that would be a great FIRST minute buck in my book!! :thumb
that is very cool i love hunting with my wife and kids as well.
thats an awsome buck congrats to the hunter. :thumb
Congrats again Michelle on a fine looking buck and a great head shot. You have yourself a pretty good guide there also. :)

Couldn't have happened to better people or Family, congrats!
Congrats to the both of you.
Awesome buck, way to go Michelle! :thumb
Very nice. I do skulls on the side also. I can feel your disapoinment. However you gotta love success.
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Very nice! Congratulations !
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Great Job!
I agree, it is more satisfying to be there for the 'milestones'.
I'll bet the little tyke was excited too!
Congrats all the way around!
Congrats Michele on a dandy of a buck!

Hopefully starting next year my wife will be with me as we both hunt. Been trying for years to get her to come along but she wants nothing to do with being in camp with a bunch of "smelly" guys. Funny, I never notice I smell until after the hunt. Time to get a camper for her, though.