Late Bow Season in Az

In Arizona you can buy as many deer licenses as you want but can only shoot one ( we hunted a rifle season already but were unsucessful). So we bought the OTC archery licenses and can hunt from now until january when we need to buy new ones for the new year. We were scouting for Javelinas in an archery only area and while checking a waterhole found the tracks of a very large Sonoran Desert Mulie buck. No one is in the area hunting because it has few deer. There are pigs all over and it should produce in january but until then we'll hunt deer. My employer is giving everyone 2 weeks off with no pay except for the holidays so we'll go camp there this friday and hunt until Christmas. The tracks are huge and barely overlap so I know he has a long and heavy body. We can't wait. God bless.
Go gettem and good luck. =D>
Good luck down there.....I'll be making the trek on New Year's for about 10 days. I love that hunt!
6x6 bull
Good Luck Mark, I know that you will have a good time and come back with a fine story and lots of pics even if you don't kill that big buck. Roy best of luck to you also. The deer better run and hide or you guys will be filling your freezer with them.
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It may be more of a challenge because it's raining and rain is forecasted on and off for the next few weeks. Hunting waterholes doesn't work well when the deer consider every puddle a waterhole. Looks like we'll be tracking them. Good luck.
Sounds like you are hunting the Tanks. Good luck to you buddy. If you're goin' where I think you're goin' you should have some luck.
Best of luck!
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We were down towards Tuscon yesterday and found a very large buck bumping does in the "cactus forest" near a tank. The little woman reminded me that this area won't open until the 1st of january so I couldn't try to kill him. Yet! We continued to scout and found a medium sized buck chasing where we could hunt and I never managed to catch up with him and his lady friends. Got about 2 dozen cholla spines in my leg though. Can't wait until friday when I'll be off for 2 weeks and can go camp and give the place an honest effort. Better not forget the tweezers and iodine. The bucks seem ready but the does are a bit unwilling yet. No one else seems to be hunting which is nice in a way, but sad. I think the economic worries have put the fire out in some folks.
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Couldn't be more true, good luck to ya!
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I saw a buck yesterday morning and followed him into the cactus. He was so rutty that even though he could see me following him he just kept putting his nose to the ground and walked along scent trailing. I was within 15 yards of him several times and couldn't get a shot. I tried to stop him when he moved through openings and he wouldn't even acknowledge that I had bleated. I finally yelled at him and he would stop but not in the open. I took a shot at him and missed. Left my rangefinder in the truck again. I took my rangefinder today but even though we saw 4 bucks we never got close to any. The buck I shot at went the exact same route today. My girlfriend will be waiting in the Matrix for him tomorrow. One of the bucks is a big typical. P&Y for sure. Maybe a Booner. A spike got chasing some does around on the next hill and the big buck saw him and ran 300 yards as fast as he could to run him off. The rut is really kicking in now. I can't wait until tomorrow.