Late LE UT
11/3/06 5:19pm
Does anyone have any of these tags? If so good luck and post some pics. If anyone needs any help packing one out let me know, anything to get out and see some country
I'll hopefully be able to share some pics.
Good luck, should be a fun hunt for sure!
I'm helping a guy on saturday here on the oqhuirrhs...
in the truck before 8AM!!!
The tag holder was gettin anxious, I figured this one to go 330 so he said "good enough". ANd the plan was to take him first thing opening morning.
And well........ he did!
shot was about 300 yards, drove the truck to him.
sorry not much of a story. He ended up killing this Elk about 20 yards from where I found that cheater shed.
Thanks for posting the pictures. You have to love hunters that aren't picky and just plain happy with a good bull. Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing.
I drew a Late Season Nebo Tag. Here is the results of my efforts.
Thanks 6 shot Snell
Thanks for posting and sharing!
What's the story, I know you saw more bulls. :)
nice job :thumb
Counting the days until next season !
Congrats on the good bulls.
yummy yummy!!!!
I'm not to hip on taking pics of a meat hunt, sorry
Have you picked out which wall you're going to put him?