Late Season Wyoming Success

This is about a month late, but I've been meaning to share this nice bull that I lucked into in Wyoming. I'll be honest, I've never had an easier hunt, and quite frankly I was happy about it. I've put in enough time and wasted enough money trudging around on unsuccessful hunts that I wasn't disappointed at all when I made a 10 hour drive for a 10 minute hunt. Seriously, I was on my hunting unit an hour before sunrise, lucked into some elk feeding right off the bat, as soon as the sun came up it was just pick out the bull I want and pop him haha. I couldn't believe it. I guess I'm not a purest with anything. I love to fly fish, but I won't pass up an opportunity to troll a worm with a good buddy either. I love backpacking and hiking my tail off to hunt and see some country; but if there's a 4-point standing on the side of a dirt road I'm not gonna drive by and smile. There will be plenty more hunts where I exhaust all efforts looking for the big ones, I'm plenty happy that this one time I finally got an easy break (then had time to shoot over to Jackson and enjoy all the refuge bulls). It was a cool experience in its own right. So here's the bull. I figure he's somewhere around 315", but regardless the number I am STOKED with him! There were about 15 other bulls with him, some similar sized, so that was AWESOME to see. They were in the middle of their migration and the Wyoming biologist said it's normal this time of year to find herds of bulls, I almost didn't believe it until I saw it myself." alt="" />" alt="" />

Saw these Mtn. Goat right on the side of the highway, licking the salt and grazing above. I counted 25 total on the hillside, but there had to have been more because it was mountainous with trees. It was pretty cool though." alt="" />" alt="" />
Very nice, good looking bull. Symmetrical to boot. Gotta love those easy hunts they tend to make up for all the hard hiking unsuccessful hunts. Congrats
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Good job on the Bull. The Goat pics are pretty cool,too.
Awesome bull, thanks for the post. Who cares if it was easy, I would have shot him also. :)

Those Goats would have been fun to see also and photograph!
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It's too bad you didn't have a mtn goat tag as well. That would have probably been the easiest mtn goat hunt ever. Haha.
SWWEEEEETTTTT you deserve an easy hunt lol

Congrats on the bull and thanks for sharing. It sure makes these winter months pass by a little faster when you read stories like that
Great job HH. Thanks for posting and it's nice to see you back on the mountain. :thumb
I'd never complain over a hunt being to easy lol!

It's not too often you see a true, strait up 7x7. Pretty sweet IMO!
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Sweet bull!
Nothing wrong with that!!
Haha, thanks guys. I feel like I can't even expect much from this coming season, that elk hunt was too stinkin lucky & I deserve to eat some tag soup this year. Looking forward to a couple more months when this board comes alive again! haha