Late surrendered Henries tag

Hi Folks,
I hope everyone is having a great hunting season. My brother got a lucky call a couple weeks ago asking him if he wanted a surrendered Henries tag. He's been putting in for 16+ years so of course he accepted. He has scouted down there in the past, but has not been down there in a few years. I'm certainly not asking for a honey hole or anyones special buck, but wondered if anyone could point him in the right direction this year with his late start.

Any help is appreciated, crickets are understandable. :)
There are so many bucks that it will not be hard to find something to shoot at. A friend and I had tags back in 2010. We both got our bucks just north of where you turn north on coyote benches heading towards The Horn. Also have seen some great bucks up by the McMellan (sp) Springs campground heading east towards the main ridgeline of the mountain range.

Good luck and have fun. Can't wait to see the pictures.
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Thanks Bow Nut! I'll post some pictures when we get back.
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Thanks again Bow Nut! Added pics in another thread.