learning to hunt.
1/4/09 9:39am
Hey yall
I started archery this year and went on my first hunt but i did eat tag soup. Which is good anyway cause I wouldn't know what to do if I got one and couldn't get ahold of a friend to help me from there. Basicly I grew up with my mother and sister and never learned but my son is turning 14 and wants to hunt (which is awsome). I live in Salt Lake City does anyone know where there are classes on hunting (not huntered we got that one lol) but maps or info on where to hunt, How to clean or quarter a deer or elk. What to where and when I bought us both the rino GPS so if we are out hunting and a few feet appart we know where each other are. This year I had to pretty much depend on others to go out hunting and didn't end up getting out much. This is some thing I know I would love to have as a me and him thing. and i have found out that when people say hey lets go hunting and say they will teach you they never have time. Thanks for any help you can offer in advance.
I started archery this year and went on my first hunt but i did eat tag soup. Which is good anyway cause I wouldn't know what to do if I got one and couldn't get ahold of a friend to help me from there. Basicly I grew up with my mother and sister and never learned but my son is turning 14 and wants to hunt (which is awsome). I live in Salt Lake City does anyone know where there are classes on hunting (not huntered we got that one lol) but maps or info on where to hunt, How to clean or quarter a deer or elk. What to where and when I bought us both the rino GPS so if we are out hunting and a few feet appart we know where each other are. This year I had to pretty much depend on others to go out hunting and didn't end up getting out much. This is some thing I know I would love to have as a me and him thing. and i have found out that when people say hey lets go hunting and say they will teach you they never have time. Thanks for any help you can offer in advance.
I have never heard of any actual 'classes' on hunting, But i'll keep my ears open - hopefully your friends come through and take you out.
Lets do this, everyone who posts has to give at least 1 tip. Here's mine;
Wind: As far as camoflague and what to wear, there is nothing more important than the wind, regardless of what you're wearing. Always do the best you can to stay moving into the wind.
hopefully enough people participate and you get some good info. There's definately enough knowledgable people here on this board. If not i'll chime in with another little basic tip.
Good luck and keep in touch!
You are gunna want a few sharp knives and a sharpener never hurts the process. Also, you are gunna want to get this part done as fast as possible because the longer you wait the harder it gets. I personally start my cleaning process at the chest. You want to try to have the animals head facing up hill if possible so all the blood and stuff can run out of the bottom of the animal. Some people like to start at the testicles or that general area and work up to the chest but I go the other way. Find the breastplate and pinch the skin you you can pull it from the body. Make a cut through the skin so you can poke two fingers into the hole itself. With a sharp knife, cut all the way down to the testicles staying to one side of the penis. I keep my fingers in the animal to keep the tip of my knife from hitting any internal organs because it can spoil your meat. Once you get to the ol testies go ahead and just cut them off and toss em out unless you ear rocky mountain oisters. YUM! Next on my list is the anus. Pretty gross if you don't have a Butt Out tool. Basically you have to cut out the hole without cutting the actual anal tract. Pretty simple but I don't enjoy it. Once I have the anus removed I go ahead and split the bone between their legs. I think it's just cartilage but I'm not sure. This will enable you to spread the legs wider making it easier to climb in. Now all you gotta do is run you hand on the inside of the body cavity to break everything free. Start pulling out organs but be careful not to puncture or tear them. Also, you have to be careful of what I know as the "piss sack". I think it's just the bladder. Don't pop it. Once you have removed intestines, lungs, heart, etc., reach way up into the neck and cut the windpipe as far up as you can. This will allow for everything else to fall out. Go along one side of the breastplate with a knife and rock or a hatchet to open the chest up. Make cuts all the way down the legs on the inside so you can remove the skin. Hang him upside down from his gambrels (?) and start pulling the skin away from the animal using you knife for assistance if needed. That's pretty much it for the cleaning process. If you want to quarter the animal just cut through the spine leaving one rib on the bottom half of the animal. Then cut the length of the animal through or to one side of the spine and he's quartered.
Sorry it's such a long response but it's a dirty process. There are lots of variables but unless you cut intestines it's pretty hard to screw up. You'll get better as you do it more of course. Hope this helps.
Some different methods with pictures
Best one I think. On a elk.
Good luck.
My hint is: Get very comfortable with your weapon(s). Don't just shoot 2-3 weeks before the hunting season...Get out and shoot all year long and in every possible condition...toy will be ready for that shot when it comes. Not to metion, spend some wonderful time in the woods with that great boy of yours.
Keep yourself in shape will pay off many times when you have to change your stock because of a change in the wind! Or you get an animal on the ground, that's when the work really begins even with two people its alot of work.
There are several archery shops around town that are open to the public for leagues or just to shoot. Leagues are great place to meet other with the same drive and addiction, this is were you can get alot of information on hunting. You and your son could join as a team and have a great time!
PM me and we will hook up and go shooting some night after work.
As stated above practice as much as you can. Physical shape. Get out there and glass and you will pick it up. Most importantly spend your time at the range...You don't want to miss. It will happen and its one of the worst feelings ever.
p.s. the classes your lookin for on hunting exist in the wilderness. at sunrise and sunset :)