Learning to take photos with my new camera

some British Columbia critter pics (I am just learning about all the features my camera has)

I took these pictures on the property where we have a little cabin (my wooden tent I call it) the place which holds my heart

hope u enjoy
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/IMG_0267-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/FishingDerby-2006-RobGander124-2.jpg" alt="" />
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/IMG_0336.jpg" alt="" />
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/IMG_71261-2.jpg" alt="" />
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/FishingDerby-2006-RobGander088-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x185/ioarana/animals/DSC_0280-1.jpg" alt="" />

enjoy i did, Very nice...I love the Eagle!! =D> =D> Thanks for sharing. :thumb
Very cool photos, looks like your a fast learner. I like them all, deer shot is my FAV.
I am glad u like them - I have more to add but I have to shrink them all to fit into the forum - but I don't plan on going to far away from the site as I feel very welcome and comfortable here - I have been on a few sites that were not very wlecoming to ladies :( so thank you
If you use FIREFOX browser there aren't shrunk and fit. It's just an Internet Explorer issue?
Great photos! Looks like springtime in B.C. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. :thumb
Default Avatar
Neat photo's. I loke the Fox best. What camera did you get and what lesne did you use?
I have the Nikon D50 with 18mm to 55mm lens and I also have the 70mm to 300 mm lens and attachments for mounting to a Leuopold HD Golden Ring Spotting scope

to ge tthe Fox picture I used the 70mm-300mm lens but this Fox is very docile and comes right up to you - especiall in the evenings when we sit around the campfire at our cabin - he will come and rub right up against your legs
Tree Killer
Nice pics, keep'm coming! =D>
lifetime hunter
"newhunterette" wrote:I am glad u like them - I have more to add but I have to shrink them all to fit into the forum - but I don't plan on going to far away from the site as I feel very welcome and comfortable here - I have been on a few sites that were not very wlecoming to ladies :( so thank you

.. so just use a neutral name!! lol they won't know whether ur a Lady or a guy! lol

.. so just use a neutral name!! lol they won't know whether ur a Lady or a guy! lol[/quote]

funny funny - just from how I type my words people know my gender - the name has nothing to do with it lol but I was welcomed here so it is all good :)
Tree Killer
What/which critters do you like to hunt up in BC newhunterette?
Very nice job on the photos, thanks.