lee kay archery face lift

anyone in the know on what is going on? when is it gonna be done? what they gonna have etc?

Durring my sons Hunter ed class in Dec, the director was talking about the "old West" area being completed by spring. He said they would have a stage coach, Saloon, that kind of thing. I have been twice in the last month and havent seen any changes though. Could be I'm just not paying enough attention . The wife says I do that quit a bit, I just dont pay attention enough to notice when she says that :))
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Herm is saying by the end of this month..first of June....I'm excited
Kemo Sabe
With donated support from a lot of good folks, they're building a new archery range that will eventually be the best outdoor archery range in the state. Hoyt made a substantial contribution to the project.

The course is set up in a 1/2 mile "U" shape with shooting lanes radiating out from the the main pathway, separated by berms 20 ft high. Plans also include new restrooms at the course.

Bowhunters of Utah is holding a benefit shoot/clinic there on June 20 so that the rest of us can contribute. All of these donations combine to benefit archers and bowhunter education, providing us with a great facility for a very reasonable price. $4 per visit, or $3 if you buy a 10 visit punch card.
"Kemo Sabe" wrote:With donated support from a lot of good folks, they're building a new archery range that will eventually be the best outdoor archery range in the state. Hoyt made a substantial contribution to the project.

The course is set up in a 1/2 mile "U" shape with shooting lanes radiating out from the the main pathway, separated by berms 20 ft high. Plans also include new restrooms at the course.

Bowhunters of Utah is holding a benefit shoot/clinic there on June 20 so that the rest of us can contribute. All of these donations combine to benefit archers and bowhunter education, providing us with a great facility for a very reasonable price. $4 per visit, or $3 if you buy a 10 visit punch card.

thanks for update!!! keep us posted on the shoot coming up!!!!

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Wow, It sounds like the place to go practice. Now the real question is did they get rid of the dang wind that is always blowing out their. lol
Kemo Sabe
In effect, yes. Each shooting lane is banked with 20 foot high dirt berms. The new range runs in a U shape with a hill on the inside, so it should offer protection no matter what direction the wind's blowing.
"Kemo Sabe" wrote:
Bowhunters of Utah is holding a benefit shoot/clinic there on June 20 so that the rest of us can contribute. All of these donations combine to benefit archers and bowhunter education, providing us with a great facility for a very reasonable price. $4 per visit, or $3 if you buy a 10 visit punch card.

anyone plan on attending???

kemo sabe, what kind of targets they gonna have?? any idea on hrs of operation once it opens to the public??
