Left Handed Wes Wallace Recurve.
11/11/06 12:05pm
I have a 2004 Left Handed 66'' Wes wallace take down recurve 55# at 30 '' for sale .
This bow has never been hunted with and is spotless. :thumb
shot very little and like new .
I have a bad case of target Panic that I have been fighting for 20+ years and I give up. :>/ Paid $570.00 asking $ 400.00

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Traditional%20Bowhunting/rewsized2.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Traditional%20Bowhunting/DSCN0276.jpg " alt="" />
This bow has never been hunted with and is spotless. :thumb
shot very little and like new .
I have a bad case of target Panic that I have been fighting for 20+ years and I give up. :>/ Paid $570.00 asking $ 400.00
