legit conservation groups?

my life evolves around the outdoors. thru out the years wildlife and the outdoors has been very good to me. im curious if any one knows of legitamite conservation groups that are worth researching and volunteering time and or money to?
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Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants forever. The best conservationists are hunters.
"ddtruth2" wrote:Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants forever. The best conservationists are hunters.
Now thats a true statement. There are two major fronts in the conservation realm, political and on the ground. Both take money and lots of it to get things done. I don't think you can go wronge with the above groups. Every state fish and game has projects needing to be done on the ground you can volunteer for, as well as a ton of local orgs that do good work. If you want to donate money thats all well and good, but there are far too few of us that get our hands dirty out in the field. If you do the dirty work, you know for sure where your efforts are going. Good luck :thumb
As you look at the groups above you'll find things you like and things you don't. Unfortunatley there is a need to be political to get things done, but the political side of things is usually where it gets hazy on whether they are doing things for the cause or for themselves.
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There is a difference between being "political" and advancing important conservation issues in a world of politics.

I have no time for hunter/angler groups being political. I want them to focus on promoting the issues that are important to fish and wildlife conservation and sportsmen regardless of who's in Washington. Some of the groups are more political than others...

What are the most important issues to you, Hardstalk? I think that will help determine which organizations are a good match. They all have a little different focus.
one thing I do with Foundations or Charities I plan to give money to is check their earnings vs how much they spend on payroll, it’s very easy look up the 990 organization exempt income tax form. I was Very surprised at the amount the employees make compared to the little amount some give.
Snake River Marksman
My wife used to work for a non-profit. But not in the conservation arena. Their mantra was simple: Every dollar we save is one more dollar for our bonuses.
I say the NRA. Alot of people over look and it dont give a damg about. But i proudly support it, and without it, ALOT of us wouldnt have guns to hunt with. But its your decision.
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Organizations that short change their staff to make their numbers look better are likely to have a higher turnover and kids straight out of college instead of people with 10-25 years experience and a ton of contacts and knowledge.

I think evaluating an organizations accomplishments is the best way to determine their effectiveness.

If they get a bunch done to benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen, their staff are deserving of more money. Non profit professionals generally make less money than folks in the for profit sector, anyway.
as usual i got much more than i bargained for. (wich is a good thing). thanks to all that posted your knowledge wont be overlooked. after some research i found my local fish and game does volunteer programs which sounds like the perfect start for gratifying my want to give back.
"hardstalk" wrote:as usual i got much more than i bargained for. (wich is a good thing). thanks to all that posted your knowledge wont be overlooked. after some research i found my local fish and game does volunteer programs which sounds like the perfect start for gratifying my want to give back.

Good on you hardstalk! We need guys like you who are willing to get your hands dirty! Good luck! :thumb