4/1/07 7:46pm
I am looking at a Sigma 135-400 mm f4.5-5.6
Does anyone have this lens and wondering if they like it.
the other one i am looking at is a Sigma 170-500mm f5-6.3
any help on these lenses would be greatly appreciated!
Does anyone have this lens and wondering if they like it.
the other one i am looking at is a Sigma 170-500mm f5-6.3
any help on these lenses would be greatly appreciated!
anybody have this lens?
Don't own it myself, but check this site out. It's way good and has tons of reviews on that lens plus all others....
I looked the that lens also referred to as the "BIGMA" because of size, but decided against it for now at least.
But it seems to be a great lens.
Do you think a fixed 400 or 500 is a better way to go? and what lens do you have or prefer for a high zoom?
Best I have now is 300 mm which isn't enough of course.
My Dad has the Canon 100-400 lens which I like for the most part.
Same thing here but with a light set up:
Same lense at about 40 yds @ 500mm:
what did you pay 4 the 170-500?
The 170-500 that I am looking at is =$800.00
the 50-500=$1,000.00
A couple hundred bucks and ALOT better lens,(from what I am told)
The 170-500 is cheaper online, but dont know if I trust the source.They are in NY and are called Cameraddict. Ever heard of them?
Never heard of camrea adict. Be careful of the new York stores. We have a guy on another site that is in a New York store that I would trust. Actually he's on several sites and I hear a lot of good from him. Go to 24 Hr Campfire and scroll down to photography. Your looking for gr8fuldoug.
Now that is a VERY good way to introduce yourself to the site.
FANTASTIC pics! :thumb
:good post
I live in western Oregon but my heart is definitely on the east side. I spend as much time as possible in S.E. Oregon.
What is the ap on that lens ? I actually was looking at the 80-400 but decided no on it
Where are you in Western Oregon? I have a lot of family in the valley and graduated high school from Monmouth, long time ago!
That first pic I really like......... actually I like em all keep post'n =D>
Are most these shots with that 80-400mm you were talking about?
I've been photographing the black doe for two years, she has no white hair at all, very unusual.
Here's a shot of her twin brother, taken in a snow storm.
Well i decided on what lens, and I overnighted the Sig 50-500.
hope to get out this wekend and shoot some critters, ricochets pics got me all fired up to try to get some good pics.
Awesome pics again ricochet, I hope to get a few atleast half that good [-o<