I am looking at a Sigma 135-400 mm f4.5-5.6

Does anyone have this lens and wondering if they like it.

the other one i am looking at is a Sigma 170-500mm f5-6.3

any help on these lenses would be greatly appreciated!

Changed my mind, I am looking at the Sigma 50-500 f4-5.6
anybody have this lens?

Don't own it myself, but check this site out. It's way good and has tons of reviews on that lens plus all others....


I looked the that lens also referred to as the "BIGMA" because of size, but decided against it for now at least.

But it seems to be a great lens.


Do you think a fixed 400 or 500 is a better way to go? and what lens do you have or prefer for a high zoom?
Do you think a fixed 400 or 500 is a better way to go?
No not really or not necessarily. I probably won't get a fixed when I buy one, but I don't have a good zoom lens yet. Still looking for the perfect setup for the price (which I'll likely never find) :)

Best I have now is 300 mm which isn't enough of course.

My Dad has the Canon 100-400 lens which I like for the most part.
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I've got the 170-500 Sigma. I like it. Met a lady a few years ago that had the 50-500 Sigma. I don't think I'd want that one. If I'm putting something that big on, I sure don't need 50 mm. The photo with this post was shot with the 170-500 at about 12'. Shot at 500mm hand held:
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/12-5-06600pics.jpg" alt="" />

Same thing here but with a light set up:
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/Junko399x600.jpg" alt="" />

Same lense at about 40 yds @ 500mm:
http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/008re-sized.jpg" alt="" />

what did you pay 4 the 170-500?
The 170-500 that I am looking at is =$800.00
the 50-500=$1,000.00
A couple hundred bucks and ALOT better lens,(from what I am told)

The 170-500 is cheaper online, but dont know if I trust the source.They are in NY and are called Cameraddict. Ever heard of them?
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Adarama and B&H both list it for $769. I got mine about 5 yrs ago from Adarama. I don't know that the 50-500 is better or not. But the 170-500 does very well for me. I've never ordered from B&H but they have a great reputation. I've bought quite a bit from Adarama without any problems at all. Mine is for film camera so on my D70 it comes out about 238-700mm.

Never heard of camrea adict. Be careful of the new York stores. We have a guy on another site that is in a New York store that I would trust. Actually he's on several sites and I hear a lot of good from him. Go to 24 Hr Campfire and scroll down to photography. Your looking for gr8fuldoug.
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I'm no expert, but I've been satisfied with my Nikon 80-400 VR. Only an option if your camera is a Nikon, of course, but the VR (vibration reduction) feature really helps.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Nov060674.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/july061705.jpg" alt="" />
ricochet great pics and let me b the first to welcome you to the site!

Now that is a VERY good way to introduce yourself to the site.

FANTASTIC pics! :thumb

:good post
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Nice buck. Where did you find it? East or West? Thats awful big to be a blacktail.
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I live in western Oregon but my heart is definitely on the east side. I spend as much time as possible in S.E. Oregon.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Nov061026.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Nov061025.jpg" alt="" />
beautiful pics. im pretty sure your gonna become quite popular on here if you keep posting pics like that :thumb
Awesome pics ricochet!!!!!!!

What is the ap on that lens ? I actually was looking at the 80-400 but decided no on it
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Boy do I like that one looking thru the tiesel. These from soth of Bruns? I saw some a guy in Prineville did a number of years ago just after hunting season. Lot's of really nice animals over there. Keep thinking I'll go over there camping for a week or so and see if I can find them. Have seem a lot of really nice ones down by Lakeview too.

Where are you in Western Oregon? I have a lot of family in the valley and graduated high school from Monmouth, long time ago!
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The 80-400 VR is a 4.5-5.6 lens. I wish I could afford faster glass but anything with the Nikon name on it is expensive for a working guy. I love the VR feature, as I do a lot of "run and gun" photography, it lets me take hand-held shots that are still relatively clear. I know I should but I rarely use a tripod, (mine are junk anyway), prefering to start shooting instead of going through all the motions of setting up the tripod.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Sep060509.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/july061434.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Nov061559.jpg" alt="" />
ricochet, great pics once again
Love your photography, could stare at it all day! 10sign:
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Boy, more great stuff! I like that elk. Have you gone over to the viewing area by Reedsport? They are in there quite a bit and you sometimes can get awful close.
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The last time I was down at Dean Creek the bulls weren't too cooperative, I've had better luck at Jewell Meadows.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/4246.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Nov060888.jpg" alt="" />
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Jan070454.jpg" alt="" />
Help me out with the name of the 'chocolate' mule deer photo. Great shot!
Man Ricochet you have some awesome Photos!!!!

That first pic I really like......... actually I like em all keep post'n =D>

Are most these shots with that 80-400mm you were talking about?
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I've had 35mm. cameras for thirty years, (I own 6 now) but since I went digital last year, none of the other cameras have left home. The Nikon 80-400 VR is an awesome lens, it makes getting clear shots a lot easier, worth every penny. I seldom post a photo from film anymore, the digital quality has me spoiled.
I've been photographing the black doe for two years, she has no white hair at all, very unusual.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/july062482.jpg" alt="" />
Here's a shot of her twin brother, taken in a snow storm.
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b60/renegade54/Blackbuck01.jpg" alt="" />
Very cool, thanks for sharing! :thumb
wow thats awesome. i sure am glad you found the site. those are amazing pics
as odd as it seems i've seen a couple albino/piebald deer but never the oposite, a dark brown deer. thats wild! you got more pics of them? and does any body have any info on these type of deer? crazy awsome pics! thanks for posting!
I wondered also what was the deal with that Doe, pretty neat.

Well i decided on what lens, and I overnighted the Sig 50-500.

hope to get out this wekend and shoot some critters, ricochets pics got me all fired up to try to get some good pics.

Awesome pics again ricochet, I hope to get a few atleast half that good [-o<