Leoupold Goldring HD or Swarovski Spotting Scope ?
Muleys 24/7
1/5/12 7:31pm
Before I made my binocular purchase a few years ago I was looking at Leoupold Gold Ring HD binos and Swarovski binos, I compared them both side by side.The only real diffrence I noticed was Leoupolds wieghed more and the Swaros cost more, but they were pretty simalar as far as clarity.....to my eyes anyway.
So I'm looking to purchase a new spotting scope this year and was hopeing to get some input from guys that have Leoupold Goldring HD spotting scopes and Swarovski spotting scopes. I know the Leoupold scope cost around $1,400 and Swaros go from $1,800 to $2,200.With that being said, what do you think?I won't be useing it for photos, Any input would be great. Thanks, Adam
So I'm looking to purchase a new spotting scope this year and was hopeing to get some input from guys that have Leoupold Goldring HD spotting scopes and Swarovski spotting scopes. I know the Leoupold scope cost around $1,400 and Swaros go from $1,800 to $2,200.With that being said, what do you think?I won't be useing it for photos, Any input would be great. Thanks, Adam
$6,299." Thats alot for binos. Is there any other brands that have something simalar?