Leoupold Goldring HD or Swarovski Spotting Scope ?

Before I made my binocular purchase a few years ago I was looking at Leoupold Gold Ring HD binos and Swarovski binos, I compared them both side by side.The only real diffrence I noticed was Leoupolds wieghed more and the Swaros cost more, but they were pretty simalar as far as clarity.....to my eyes anyway.

So I'm looking to purchase a new spotting scope this year and was hopeing to get some input from guys that have Leoupold Goldring HD spotting scopes and Swarovski spotting scopes. I know the Leoupold scope cost around $1,400 and Swaros go from $1,800 to $2,200.With that being said, what do you think?I won't be useing it for photos, Any input would be great. Thanks, Adam
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We have a leuplod gold ring spotting scope and used it for many years until a friend of ours let us look through his swarovski scope. Needless to say the gold ring is our stand by scope. The gold ring is a very good spotting scope and works for most peoples needs but after looking through it for a while and going to the swarovski there is a big difference (IMO). Also I personally would not pay the extra money for a HD in either brand. I have set the two up side by side with the HD models and I can't tell the difference. Another option I would consider is the leupold kenia. This to is a very good scope may fit your needs if you have friends with these different scopes the best thing you can do is look through them up on the mountain and decide which one you like there. To me they all look clear in the store. Hope this helps you with you decision.
Muleys 24/7
I'm thinkin of going the Swaro route but also wanted to check into the "doctors binos" dose anyone know who makes those things?
Doctor is made by ZEISS
Muleys 24/7
Are these the ones your talking about"Zeiss 20x60 S Image Stabilization Binoculars
$6,299." Thats alot for binos. Is there any other brands that have something simalar?
Muleys 24/7
I think I found the ones you're talkin about" Docter Optic 40x80mm Wide Angle Binocular w/ hard case $4,100."