Lessons learned this year
9/26/06 9:11am
Another archery season had come and gone for me and although I will have to eat "tag soup" this year I will have to call the hunt a success :thumb
Things learned:
always watch the wind
hunt till you are out of the woods -stumbling onto a nice 4 point bull elk(thirty yards from me and a few hundered yards from the pickup taught me that one)
check the wind
cold muscles cannot pull my bow back
it can and will snow 6" at 7000 feet in September
check the wind
there are always more elk than you see (leaned through a blundered stalk)
hunt every day you can because it will be a year before you can do it again-that means even if it is snowing in September
you don't archery hunt to kill something - thats what late season private land cow tags are for :))
did i mention to check the wind?
Anybody else learn any good leasons this year?
Things learned:
always watch the wind
hunt till you are out of the woods -stumbling onto a nice 4 point bull elk(thirty yards from me and a few hundered yards from the pickup taught me that one)
check the wind
cold muscles cannot pull my bow back
it can and will snow 6" at 7000 feet in September
check the wind
there are always more elk than you see (leaned through a blundered stalk)
hunt every day you can because it will be a year before you can do it again-that means even if it is snowing in September
you don't archery hunt to kill something - thats what late season private land cow tags are for :))
did i mention to check the wind?
Anybody else learn any good leasons this year?
hunt till you are out of the woods -stumbling onto a nice 4 point bull elk(thirty yards from me and a few hundered yards from the pickup taught me that one)End quote
I would have to say this was the hardest lesson of all. Opening morning I jumped two bulls coming into a wallow, they headed uphill acting confused so I gave them a few minutes and started slowly following them. With my eyes looking ahead I heard something to my right---the biggest 6 point bull I have ever seen in the woods stood up and took off from 20 yards away. I haveno idea how I didn't see him. It was a thick bedding area with no chance for a shot. This was followed closely by a huge hail storm, heading back to the vehicle I was 40 yards from the road when I look to my left and see a nice 4 point bull break away---again---no shot! Great morning taught me a lot.
Other things:
1. Those hard to get to areas are worth hunting.
2. Take plenty of food and water for an all day hunt every time out, there is nothing like ending up in the bottom of a canyon, low on energy, knowing you have to make it 2 hours to the top before to get something to eat.
3. Don't waste time if your not seeing sign, move on.
4. Watch out for those pesky cows!
Aim low when deer is standing broadside at 30yrds up a hill.
- no matter how far out of the way you think you are from your knife, get out of the way a little more.
- and make sure you have your gps, cell phone, and a partner with you, you may not get cell service, but then again you may, and it may just save your life.