Let's play - Score That Buck!!

What do you think the score would be on this guy? Found him in the Henry Mtns this weekend. I'll post a full scouting report later this week. I guessed him to be 180, but I'm not real sure. His forks are not real deep. Are they done growing?

How wide do you think he is?

We saw over 60 bucks down there in 2 days. It's just crazy down there. I really hope you get the chance to hunt it!

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2533/3737358203_b0cabc1da2_o.jpg" alt="" />

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2661/3737376621_05e2b4f150_o.jpg" alt="" />
g2's and g3's might have a little more in them, the main beam and g4's are done.

too bad the fronts on that buck are poor. My guess is the buck will be a 180ish buck also.

Did you see any better?
The way he is right now.......mid-160's. Not a lot of tine length anywhere. Looks to be about 28" wide though. When he finishes out next month, he's probably going to net in the low 170's........just a guess though.
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i dont know much about scoring muley's but i would guess him at 180" when done growing. i compare him to some whitetails i have shot and he is 15-20" bigger than those. just a guess though
I don't know what he would score, but I know I would give him a ride in my truck!!!
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"swbuckmaster" wrote:g2's and g3's might have a little more in them, the main beam and g4's are done.

too bad the fronts on that buck are poor. My guess is the buck will be a 180ish buck also.

Did you see any better?
I saw two better than this guy, but didn't get pics of them. They had deeper forks and were wider. They were too far away and I couldn't get decent scope pictures. Many of the bucks had shallow forks. I'm hoping some of them grow out a bit.

I'll get back down there and try to get a bit closer to the other two bucks.
After he gets done growing that kicker he will be 30",easy 175-180 when done growing.
Nice buck...a shooter most places, but probably not on the Henries. He'll do well to finish out much over 170. Just not enough length on his tines to be much better than that.
Good backs, weaker fronts. Still growing though, mid to high 170's when done IMO.
28" wide and I don't think he'll make it to 180". Maybe mid-170's.
I realize the buck isn't done growing in this picture but he has short main beams, crabby fronts, not much for brow tines, and average backs. I can't see this buck scoring much more than 170 gross once finished growing. On that note, I also think this buck is very close to 30" right now.