Let's see those Dead Head rooms!
11/7/09 9:23am
This is probably going to be my new favorite section!
NONYA i've seen your pics a few times, very impressive
but AGCHAWK, i've never seen yours. whats up with that big ol' muley- story?? and some dandy whitetails too! im assuming idaho bucks?
long ago i could just go take some pics to show, long story short- i sold my old house and bought a temporary house- so i moved all my mounts to a storage site. well are econamy is in the dumps- and one of these days i will have to go to my storage building and take somepics to share ](*,)
First, all but two of the whitetail I've taken are from Idaho. I took the other two here in WA.
The big Muley, and my largest to date, I took the season before I joined this site. I took him in the Joseph Creek area here in WA, a rock's throw from the Oregon boarder. I had hiked into a real nasty area overlookin' the Grande Ronde when I spotted him moving down a slide on the opposite canyon wall. I watched him until he bedded below a small rock outcropping and made about a 2 hour stalk to within shooting range.
Unfortunately I did not have a rangefinder with me and misjudged the distance from my side to his and made a bad shot, hitting him much higher than I wanted to. He jumped from his bed and was off and around the next ridge before I could get another round into him. I knew I hit him though so I immediately hiked back to my truck and drove the two hours back home to get help tracking him down. We tried all the first night to find him (That was the scariest night of my life too! Hiking those canyons and draws in the dark was NOT fun at all). We finally found him the next morning about 1/4 mile from where I had hit him deep in an old wash. I'm still trying to top that one! I got skunked this year but there's always next year!
The other big Muley on the wood plaque is an Oregon buck, taken by my Grandfather YEARS ago. I don't know the story on him but the bases are so big I cannot get my hands all the way around them. (With that being said, I'm not the biggest guy in the world and my hands aren't exactly huge)
I would like to see BIG R's Trophy room
Here's some of mine.....all archery.
My first 4x4:
My Best typical:
Im speechless IMPRESSIVE 10sign:
Could you please ask your homes to stop making fun of mine. It's starting to feel bad. lol
All kiding aside those are some seriously cool walls. It must be like a walk though memory lane every time you guys enter the front door. :thumb