lets do a photo thread....
11/24/09 5:02pm
i saw this on another site, it was pretty fun. we all love looking at pics so....
here how it works: i'll start and post a picture, then someone else posts a picture with something similer in it it. [ so if there is a picture of a guy fishing with snow covered mountains in the background, then the next guy puts up a picture with a guy, a mountain, water, snow, fishingpole, etc.etc]
hopefully we can top the biggest thread ever! :thumb
here how it works: i'll start and post a picture, then someone else posts a picture with something similer in it it. [ so if there is a picture of a guy fishing with snow covered mountains in the background, then the next guy puts up a picture with a guy, a mountain, water, snow, fishingpole, etc.etc]
hopefully we can top the biggest thread ever! :thumb
Relation to above photo: you're holding elk sheds, my buddy has a picture of an elk on his shirt! Ha! Also, Killerbee, did you ever come up with a score on those sheds?
But the relation is Elk sheds, Elk T-shirt, and Elk shed close up.
Picked up a couple of years back, although not an exact ATL.
187, those sheds were 350" +/- 5 " depending on how a couple of points were measured.
This thread is a GREAT idea, by the way!
My pic: The sunglasses perched on the hat!!!
anything you can relate to the last photo :thumb
i'm loving looking at all these pics :thumb
it's a reach, but my pic related to?? animal stuck in a tight spot
link: animal stuck
Link: Dead Deer
Here's me doing the same!
That would be my son…. Our 09 success.. :thumb
I see a kicker on a shed too...
Right side kicker, kind of hard to see.
OMG Nice buck!
I See Blood!
i see a furry rodent hanging on a hunting rig!
I've gotta know how you guys got that whole spike elk on the back of that horse! Nice!!
I see a horse and a bull at the PBR!!
I see too different animals in the picture...
[ dont make fun of the " COWBOIEE" hat, the outfitter i worked for "insisted" on the "western" look :>/ ]
I see grandpa’s girl “pass it on”
i can remember when my little girl was that big, all i can say id PAY ATTENTION, watch every move they make, because you will blink your eye and they will be getting ready for school! it's cool, but it ticks you off as well. i just would like her to stay a sweet little perfect angel:) man i/m going to be hunting some teenage boys in 10 yrs.........
back to the thread :))
i'm going to have to find some good pics of my 1 yr old boy, or he might be ticked off later in life:)
(CONGRATS 182!!!!! Brian, this has got to be my new "favorite thread"....great idea)
Only flat ground we could find.
Now back to the thread....I see a buck that likes to fight....notice the large patch of missing hide on his back.
I see trees
These are just a few of the one's we've found....
Big coastal blacktail from California Archary hunt
I see arrow 's
i was gone a couple days, some super cool pics being posted! keep em coming :thumb
I see a truck in the snow, no deer but plenty of DNA to prove there was one. lol
Wow killerbee You sure come across some big ones.
Here is a pic my friends sent me of there hunt, these are Montana bucks
man was that along time ago:)
strait out of royaltine guide schoool and having the time of my life! i used to have a magazine article to go with that pic, i'll have to try and find it..
you have just a few dandy pics to share yourself you know.........
trust me ,this 1/2 bald guy will be the last guy to make fun of a head of hair, if i could grow that mullet - i'd do it in a heartbeat :)) :))
anyway back to the thread--- relation 2 guys with a buck.
short story, this was uver 16 yrs ago, i dont even think i was old enough to drive, although i was driving on that hunt. me and my cousin ran into this buck and only god knows who killed him. 28 3/4 OUTSIDE spread 3 point, he weight 210 lbs at the meat locker with no hide or head.
relation, 2 people-1 animal
Most memorable hunt with the best hunting partner a person could ever ask for. Rest in peace Dad!
gotta keep this one going!
Sorry my pics are so small guys its the only way i can get my pictures small enough on this computer to post them ](*,)
I also see a 3 point
sorry dont have the field pics on this computer they were on my cell we were in hell and was a bit late in the day and ended up takin us 3 hours to pack out 3 shoulders and and the loins and had to go back for the hams ill post those pics on another haha it was pretty intense
From Photobucket - copy the "IMG" link and post that rather than the direct link. Or if you want to use the direct link then you can press the "Img" button just above the box you type your message in and paste the link between the "
we all love fresh snow :thumb
dont worry, mine is just as ugly:):)
some more water