lets see em

okay guys / gals. lets see the toms from your turkey hunts, Utahs first season opened yesterday, so post up a pic and lets see em.

My buddy CWP on here had a few toms come by him and his dad but could not get shots and then they were messed up by other hunters walking around.
"DeadI" wrote:
My buddy CWP on here had a few toms come by him and his dad but could not get shots and then they were messed up by other hunters walking around.
I know how they feel. I had some jerks come into a "walk in only area" with their atvs and scared the birds from coming to me and then about 4 hours later after I climbed much higher on the mountain up near snowline, after working a big old tom for about an hour. I finally had the tom within a few hundred feet and he was coming in strong, when those two losers :>/ drove up to within 10 feet of my decoys and the bird was gone and I called it the day after that. Oh ya, I also drove over a board with 3" grabber screws in it with me truck the night before the opener up on the mountain ](*,) , thanks guys. I thought only stuff like that happened on the Limited entry elk units.Maybe it was a board left over from last fall. :-k
Sorry to hear that Ridge.

Sent you a P.M.
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Sorry Ridge. I hope you get your bird next time out.

Is it me, are more 'hunters' (extreme sarcasim) getting more and more rude and incosiderate? :>/ :>/ :>/
one hunting fool
"JLROOT" wrote:Sorry Ridge. I hope you get your bird next time out.

Is it me, are more 'hunters' (extreme sarcasim) getting more and more rude and incosiderate? :>/ :>/ :>/
just getting lazier. walkers like me are a dying bred i fear :>/
opening day
opening day
Great bird! Man, I want a Merriam. :thumb
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Got into my spot well before daylight, I had 5-6 birds gobbling, but they all flew down on the other side of the river with hens. I left and went to another spot for a bit and saw/heard nothing. Stopped at the original spot on the way home and set up in the exact same spot. I yelped quietly off and on for about 15 minutes and this guy flew across the river to me. The shot was about 24 yards and he died about 5 feet away from my hen decoy. He weighed 23 lbs (biggest I ever shot), had a 9 1/2" beard and 1 1/2" spurs.

http://i582.photobucket.com/albums/ss269/coopss26/0447.jpg" alt="" />
CONGRATS GUYS! :not-worthy
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Here is my dads tom.http://i418.photobucket.com/albums/pp261/cpagerx/072.jpg" alt="" />http://i418.photobucket.com/albums/pp261/cpagerx/070.jpg" alt="" />
Great looking birds guys.Congrats 10sign:
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Here are the birds from my season...

What a shame it was my best year over!I didn't want it to end!!

It started out opening day in ga (3/21/09) with a nice 17# eastern with a 9 7/8" beard,and 1 1/4,and 1 3/8" spurs.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0365.jpg" alt="" />

2 weeks later here in Ga on 4/5/09 I got in the right spot to harvest a nice 17 1/2# eastern with 10" beard and 1 1/8,and 1 3/16" spurs

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1611.jpg" alt="" />

Then I went on my first road trip ever.First stop was Kansas where I had quick success due to the footwork done by a friend.

First bird was taken on 4/10/09 25# 2 oz rio had a 10" beard and 1 1/4" spurs,called him in on some private land while my friend went back to work.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1664.jpg" alt="" />

Second bird in KS was called in by my friend on 4/11/09(first bird anyone has ever called in to me),and he called it across a creek!20# 1oz rio with 8 7/8" beard and 7/8" spurs.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1714.jpg" alt="" />

Then it was off to SD to try my luck in the black hills.It took a few days,but when the mailman put me on a group of birds I got my chance,and on 4/15/09 I took a nice 15# 15oz merriams with 7 1/2" beard and 5/8",and 3/4" spurs

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0227.jpg" alt="" />

After that me and the family made our way down to Nebraska to the hunt I won at one of Jason Edneys properties.

Opening morning 4/18/09 I saw 15+ strutters,and took a 21# 3oz merriams with 8 1/2" beard and 3/4" spurs

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1890.jpg" alt="" />

Heard one gobbling while I was having pics taken and got on him.While I was crawling in the dirt and mud the wife texted that there were 2 toms crossing the road back at the lodge!This place is loaded!I finally connected on tom #2 and he is a rio that weighed 19# 6oz and had a 8" beard with 3/4" spurs.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1907.jpg" alt="" />

Got back home 4/20/09 and helped a freind.Close but had some trespassers mess us up.I had to work,and finally got to go out a few evenings.Connected monday eve(april 27th)with a nice double bearded eastern here at home to tag out.14# 10 5/8",and 8 5/8" beards,and 1 1/16" spurs.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1935.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1922.jpg" alt="" />

Finally got to take my 8yr old son out the first weekend of may,and he shot a jake around 1pm.I talked him into staying and around 4:50pm a nice tom with an 11.5" beard and 1 1/16" spurs came into the berry patch we were hunting..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_1947.jpg" alt="" />