Lets see your 09 Pheasant hunts!

I was not able to get out this morning, but we were able to get out this afternoon. We were able to get these 3 roosters, missed shots at 2 more and had 2 that we were not able to get shots at. Also jumped about 8-9 hens.

Hope the picture works, you guys will probably see it but I wont.
One for each of us (Dad, Brother and Me)
Those are some nice lookin' roosters!

I sure miss doing that. I did it a lot as a kid but have not bird hunted since I joined the Navy back in '89.
Those are some nice lookin' roosters!

I sure miss doing that. I did it a lot as a kid but have not bird hunted since
same here :>/

Those are some good birds congrats
Haven't hunted those since I was a kid. Beautiful birds!
Here in Utah we shot a six man limit and we missed 10 other roosters...I personally think it has been the best year in a while!!! Sorry no pictures (???)
Very nice dead I. I took my boys out shed hunting and got skunked. I should have gone pheasant hunting, but the birds run and won't flush without a dog so I skipped it this year. Looks like you did well.
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Saturday morning I took my 2 boys out with me ans we found 3 hens and 1 rooster. I missed the rooster terribly, but it was a blast to see my dogs work the cover and find the birds. Saturday afternoon I went out with deadI, his dad, and his brother--you saw the results above. It was a dang good thing they were there because I couldnt hit $#!$ saturday. Went out again this morning and foud 2 hens and 1 rooster, finally connected today! Here are the results from this mornings hunt.http://i418.photobucket.com/albums/pp261/cpagerx/IMG_2088.jpg" alt="" />I hope to get out this afternoon again.
I went out Saturday Morning, started a 6:35 done by 7:30. I took two shots and got two birds. Its the first time I have ever been done so early and the first time I've not missed a bird in the process of filling a limit.
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/jeorv/20091108185258.jpg" alt="" />
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc18/jeorv/phezhunt09.jpg" alt="" />
Springville Shooter
Nice Jeff, Pheasants are tasty and fun to shoot. Nice roosters!----shooter
Yesterday shot 3 more limits!!! Yesterday the birds were holding way good and the dog was pointing amazing!!! I'm so proud of him he has come a long way!
Nice, did you get pictures this time?
Great day in the field with my granddaughter.This was her first time in the field with a shot gun hunting upland game.
She missed the first couple then she caught on… She ended up knocking down three birds and wants to do it again!
Hard to beat a brisk morning with a dog or three just begging to get out there after the birds. We did our annual pheasant hunt after the deer/elk hunt this year and I hate to say it, but I think the birds got the better of us. We got a few but let to many fly off with a three gun salute following them.

Guess it's getting time I may need to start practicing lol
My buddy sent me a cool pic of his hunt so I'm going to share.
Good Dog!!!