lets see your setup
4/1/07 11:43am
lets see a pic of your bows and set ups. here is mine. a '06 bowtech alligence. i shoot gold tip pro hunters with wac'em 100 grain broadheads a top gun f22 sight, and a trophy taker pronghorn drop away arrow rest.
have yet to take an animal with it but hopefully this year.
have yet to take an animal with it but hopefully this year.
Reflex Buckskin set @ 59 lbs.
NAP quicktune 4000 fall-away
Lethal Weapon Special Ops sight
Fuse 2 peice quiver
Doinker 7" hunter
Easton 340 Epic C2's with bikini wraps....lol (wife got em' for me)
Slick Tricks
I am getting a Ross CR337 on Monday! So.......the Reflex is gonn abe a back up bow (maybe)
Matthews Drenaline 70# 27 1/2 draw
Easton Axis 400 aroows withblazer veins
Matthews arrow web qwiver
Trophy ridge Drop zone rest
Spot Hog Hunter hog it sights { will have the Hog Wraps that attach to this one as soon as they get in]
limb saver stabilizer
Scott Archery wildcat release
Nice wraps CHOCLAB!!!
LOL!!!! :)) :)) :)) Now I can blame my bad shots on "distractions"... :))
HAHAH... Crackin me up man![/quote]
i think your abit to young for arrows like that.lol. just yankin your chain
Then I have my backup:
05' Hoyt Ultratec 29"70 lb
As for wraps, they are nice for locating your arrows but they change your FOC and the overall weight of the arrows. I stopped using them.
not shown fuse quiver and maxima hunter arrows with blazer vanes.
SpotHogg Hunter Hogg-It
Gold Tip Arrows
Winners Choice Strings
Trophy Taker Rest
shot this group at 90 yards!!!!!!!!!
I picked this bow up just days before the hunt started because one of the limbs on my old bod had split when I was practicing. It was one of the few left handed bows that they had down to Jakes archery when I was trying to get the old one fixed. It would have taken them three weeks to get a set of limbs that matched what I had. (???)
So I started trying new bows and this one is the one that shot the best for me so I bought it. Of course it had to be the most expencive one there but it was worth every penny.
CAP foxfire sp site
s-coil stabilizer
trophytaker dropzone rest
Beman ics camo hunter 400 arrows
100 gr thunderheads for deer
100 gr G5 montecs for hogs,elk and bear
quicky guiver when in a tree stand
catquiver 3 when stalking
Choclab - love those Bikini Wraps. got to get some.
I debated showing my setup but here it goes. I could not find a photo of just my bow and arrows so you will need to put up with the other background junk.
Jeff Massy (out of TX) Longhorn Long bow.
52# at 28 inch (do draw 28 inch).
Arrows ones pictured RaminWood 725gr. backup arrows Ash 910gr. (I like to keep my hunting arrows above 700gr)
Using a cat quiver now.
Have been using this bow for about 10 years.
Do you have any other pics of animals you have taken with the old longbow.
Very impressive. I have a hard enought time geting close enough for a shot with my compound.
You want pictures? I normaly don't like to show off (or what every you want to call it) but what the hell.
Here are a few pics I found here at work, that I shot with that long bow.