Letter to my Senators...

Below is the letter that I sent to my Senators and House Representative. Feel free to use any or all of it if you feel that you wish to communicate to your Senators or Congressional Representative:

December 7, 2011
Hon. __________

The American people and American justice can no longer afford a corrupt law enforcement agency. The BATFE has a long standing culture of corruption and violating the Civil Rights of American citizens.

There was "Operation Showboat" ending in Waco, Texas, and the debacle at Ruby Ridge. And now, we find out that the BATFE sold more than a thousand firearms to the Sinoloa drug cartel. The BATFE has had its three strikes.

It is time to decommission the BATFE; dismiss and prosecute the BATFE management; reassign the BATFE's personnel; and assign the BATFE's duties to a different federal law enforcement agency.

Additionally, we find that there is evidence that the Drug Enforcement Agency is also corrupt, and has been caught smuggling drugs and laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels. This, also, should support dismissals and prosecutions.


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Does BATFE and DEA think that they have the authority to break the law?

Clearly, no law enforcement agency, federal, state, county, or city, have the authority to violate the law. So why isn't the public demanding the decommissioning of these agencies and prosecution of all the perpetrators?
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"paladin" wrote:Clearly, no law enforcement agency, federal, state, county, or city, have the authority to violate the law.
Are you sure about that?
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Yes, I am sure that no law enforcement agency, in these United States, is authorized, empowered, and or licensed to violate "the law".
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Wouldn't a undercover drug buy be a violation of the law? Look up the term Otherwise Illegal Activity. Don't misunderstand me, I by no means support some of these moronic decision made by the ATF and others. I just disagree with your statement.
I don't believe our government has ever done anything to violate the law. I mean the CIA would never mysteriously have 4 Tons of Cocaine on small plane over Mexico....right?

Might want to add this one to your letter “Indefinite Detention” …. Now I don’t see our government ever using this to hold American citizens anyway they want for questionable reasons but....

Forget freedoms or a trial let’s just arrest people and hold them indefinitely for????

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"ntspdy" wrote:Wouldn't a undercover drug buy be a violation of the law? Look up the term Otherwise Illegal Activity. Don't misunderstand me, I by no means support some of these moronic decision made by the ATF and others. I just disagree with your statement.
Nope, the agents conducting an under cover buy intend to use it drugs as evidence. Thus no mens rea. But the BATFE intended the firearms to actually fall into the hands of the drug cartels. Thus mens rea.

Otherwise illegal activity is only meant to keep your CIs from getting their brains splattered in the alley, being prosecuted under one of the various state statutes, and to take away one of the unethical tools of defense attorneys. If you think deeply about the list of all the things that CIs can not be authorized to do, you will understand that what CIs can be authorized to do is so narrow as to be miniscule. Lex non currate deminimus.
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"Mularcher" wrote:I don't believe our government has ever done anything to violate the law. I mean the CIA would never mysteriously have 4 Tons of Cocaine on small plane over Mexico....right? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/12/12/420107/-CIA-Torture-Jet-wrecks-with-4-Tons-of-COCAINE
You, astutely, have your finger on the pulse! :thumb The executive branch is letting their agents get out of control. If the current Chief of the executive branch were not asleep at the controls zzz these kind of things would not be happening. These things are corner cutting on good police work and good intelligence work.
I want to believe that there are people in the government that really want to do good but man it's hard believe sometimes. Look up "operation northwoods" If you really want to wrap your brain around some crazy stuff they were planning in the 60's