LETTERMAN BUCK...... #1 MT state record

We went up to Billings montana yesterday and stopped by the sportsmans warehouse. Inside we came across the Letterman buck.... For those of you that have'nt heard..This buck was poached in montana, it is the #1 typical in B/C in montana. it scores I belive 207 7/8. The deer is massive to see in person. Here is my wife and daughter standing next to it.
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o226/northern_01/09-04-2008001.jpg" alt="" />
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o226/northern_01/09-04-2008002.jpg" alt="" />
As I heard it the poaching charge was never proved,like to know how sportsmans ended up with it.....
BTW considering the conditions it wont be eligible for B&C so it is NOT the official MT state record.
"NONYA" wrote:BTW considering the conditions it wont be eligible for B&C so it is NOT the official MT state record.
Well If the poaching wasn't proved then What stops it from becoming #1. I read some where that the buck will become #1 and that the owner or hunter will show up as MT FWP. Not saying that your wrong, I guess I'll have to do more checking.

But that aside The deer is HUGE!!!!!
One of the most impressive typical bucks ever for sure. BEAUTY!!
"NONYA" wrote:BTW considering the conditions it wont be eligible for B&C so it is NOT the official MT state record.
Well nonya I did some checking and this what I found in kings outdoor page


While law enforcement authorities were executing a search warrant on Frank’s home, they found a huge set of mule deer antlers that will rival the current state record. Acting on a tip from an informer that Frank had killed the deer last winter during the closed season, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department (FWPD) game wardens confiscated the antlers.

At his court hearing, Frank pleaded guilty to possessing the antlers, but said although he didn’t personally shoot the buck, he knew it had been illegally killed. In exchange for guilty pleas, prosecutors dropped charges of solicitation to kidnap. Frank received a 10-year sentence on the theft charge and a 5-year sentence on the wildlife charge and was ordered to pay Letterman’s ranch $1,500 and $8,000 to the state.

According to the Montana FWPD, the buck was officially measured for the compensation phase of the lawsuit against the poacher and officially scores 207 7/8 B&C which tops the current state record typical mule deer that was killed in 1983 and scores 205 3/8 B&C. After contacting the Boone & Crockett Club, it is possible that the buck will be accepted as the new state record if it is listed as a “pick up” with ownership going to the Montana State agency ensuring that no credit be given to the poacher.

I didn’t have all the room I wanted to in the magazine to include more information about this story. One question has come up as to how can this buck be entered into the Boone and Crockett record books since it was poached and not taken by Fair Chase standards? That is a good question, but after contacting B&C, they wanted to make sure that the following was elaborated upon to help people understand how this could happen. This is from their response:

“Basically, as ludicrous as it sounds, it obviously wasn’t the deer’s fault it was poached. Some legitimate sportsman was possibly robbed of the opportunity of taking this trophy himself. However, since it was confiscated, the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks is the legitimate owner of this trophy and holds it in trust for all the hunters of Montana. It should be recognized for the conservation efforts it represents of legitimate, Montana sportsmen.”

Therefore, what this means is the poacher could not get this buck entered in the books. However, since the antlers have been confiscated and is now in possesion of the Montana Department of Fish and Wildlife, they have the option to enter it into the books as a “pick up”, with credit going to the Fish and Game. No mention or credit will be given to the poacher.

I also tried to get more information about the buck from the Montana Dept. of Fish and Game. I asked the following questions: How wide is the buck? What is the gross score? What is the Montana FWPD going to do with the antlers? Are you going to submit the score sheet to B&C for official entry into the books? However, all answers were either a “no comment” or “don’t know at this time”.

So what did we learn from all of this? A buck was taken illegally in Montana. It was confiscated by the Montana FWPD. It scores 207 7/8 net typical B&C. It exceeds the current state record. If the Montana FWPD decides to enter the buck into Boone & Crockett (B&C) as a “pick up”, they will accept the buck. The buck has not been submitted to B&C at this time.

I guess we will wait and see what the Montana FWPD decides to do with this great potential state record typical mule deer rack.

UPDATE: (01/23/05) This buck has been submitted and accepted by Boone and Crocket with a score of 207 7/8 net typical. It is classified as a pick up and owner is MT Dept. Fish, Wildl., & Parks with a date of 2004. This buck is now officially the Montana state record typical mule deer.

I hope that this clarifies that this is now the #1 montana state typical mule deer.
Maybe in your mind,no buck killed after the hunting seas0on will ever be recognized by any hunter I know,B&C really tripped over their own standards if they put it in their book,double standards at the least.Ill believe it when I see it in the book.So he was charged with possesion not poaching,thats what I thought.
"NONYA" wrote:Maybe in your mind,no buck killed after the hunting seas0on will ever be recognized by any hunter I know,B&C really tripped over their own standards if they put it in their book,double standards at the least.Ill believe it when I see it in the book.
Well ok, Here is the link to B/C ALL you got to do is read it then;


Don't want to argue with ya. It's a shame that a great deer was taken in that manner.

BTW have you looked in the book recently? How many Pickups have you seen in there. If a deer Dies and someone finds it out of season It still goes in the book IF it makes the Score.
I like this page better...

Im not trying to start an argument Im just pissed that B&C and the MT F&G would consider entering it,wtf for?And how did it end up in SW,sold?B&C preachesfairchase,how is a deer shot in deep snows after the season Fair Chase?They should hang it in the F&G office next to his shriveled sac. :thumb
"NONYA" wrote:I like this page better...

Im not trying to start an argument Im just pissed that B&C and the MT F&G would consider entering it,wtf for?And how did it end up in SW,sold?B&C preachesfairchase,how is a deer shot in deep snows after the season Fair Chase?They should hang it in the F&G office next to his shriveled sac. :thumb
Yea I do agree with you that page is better. :not-worthy
I can only hope to get one that freaky :thumb . I beleve that fwp loanes it out to different sporting good shops. I know that when we had the big bust here in Forsyth, they have the heads of all the goats and deer scattered all over for the public to see.
Is that the stuff they take to the state fair?
"NONYA" wrote:Is that the stuff they take to the state fair?
It might be. It was called OPERATION ROSEBUD. Their was a picture of all the heads on an old barn next to another big bust that was collected.

http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o226/northern_01/deer21.jpg" alt="" />
Buck Fever
Non the less, a smoker of a buck!! To bad it was robbed from the rest of us sportmans. :>/
i believe the b&C is there to give credit to the animals. anyone who is in it for there own name is pretty selfish. i hope it goes in as a "pickup" to recognize that that great buck did once live. just because some A-HOLE took it out of season doesn't mean people shouldn't know about the buck. it's about the animal not the shooter. maybe a good ol' **** astrisck[however you spell this "*"]IMO
Im just pissed that B&C and the MT F&G would consider entering it,wtf for?
The reason why B&C accepts them as a "pick up" once they are in the custody of Fish & Game officials is to simply recognize the animal from your state. It's the same reason if they found it dead, hit by a car, B&C would accept it as a "pick up". Their reasoning? It's about honoring and recording the animal.......not the hunter. It should be the new state record for MT.......just not the largest taken by a hunter. I've had to officially measure a few "pick-ups" for B&C here lately........two of which were from F&G officials for court enhancements.
"BOHNTR" wrote:
Im just pissed that B&C and the MT F&G would consider entering it,wtf for?
The reason why B&C accepts them as a "pick up" once they are in the custody of Fish & Game officials is to simply recognize the animal from your state. It's the same reason if they found it dead, hit by a car, B&C would accept it as a "pick up". Their reasoning? It's about honoring and recording the animal.......not the hunter. It should be the new state record for MT.......just not the largest taken by a hunter. I've had to officially measure a few "pick-ups" for B&C here lately........two of which were from F&G officials for court enhancements.


They have a whole section of their rules about not recognizing game killed in a non fairchase method,isnt poaching out of season non fair chase??????Hypocrites abound. :>/ DId the F&G mount all those MD on the barn or did the poacher?That is the stuff I was talking about and I couldnt understand why they mounted a whole pile of very small MD bucks....
"NONYA" wrote:They have a whole section of their rules about not recognizing game killed in a non fairchase method,isnt poaching out of season non fair chase??????Hypocrites abound. :>/ DId the F&G mount all those MD on the barn or did the poacher?That is the stuff I was talking about and I couldnt understand why they mounted a whole pile of very small MD bucks....
The poacher (outfitter) and his clients mounted all of them. The taxidermy that was involved with the outfitter, did most of the mounts for the clients. How I understand it talking to the outfitter that was involved. They offered their clients to come out and shoot 2 or 3 deer and they would let them shoot a few goats along with the 1 deer tag the clients had. I'm not totally sure on all the details. But the heads were all mounted before, how I understand it.

Here is the blog from MTfwp


Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Enforcement Division, working with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, recently shut down two of the biggest poaching operations in the division’s history. Nicknamed "Operation Palmetto-Peach" and "Operation Rosebud" the two investigations netted 90 forfeited trophies and 53 defendants, $179,000 in fines and restitution and 76 years of revoked hunting privileges.

"This is a major win for the people of Montana to see these two widespread investigations brought to a successful conclusion," said FWP Enforcement Division chief Beate Galda. "Defendants in 10 states, some a far away as New York and New Jersey, were involved and it required five years of dedicated work to get the job done."

Both investigations involved breaking the law on licenses and limits for big game hunting and transporting illegally killed animals across state lines. Operation Palmetto-Peach involved an outfitter located in Marietta, Ga. with ranch land near Broadus. The investigation, beginning in 1997, eventually involved 21 defendants who paid $14,000 in fines and $16,000 in restitution to the State of Montana. The defendants lost a total of 12 years in hunting privileges in Montana and 12 other states and handed over trophy mounts from 36 animals. The case included the states of Montana, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Operation Rosebud involved two Forsyth area outfitters and generated $149,000 in federal and state fines and restitution. The investigation eventually resulted in 40 years of revoked hunting privileges in Montana and 12 other states for 21 state and seven federal defendants, worldwide hunting privileges revoked for a total of seven years and trophies from 54 animals were seized. Charges included killing big game animals without a license, tagging animals with licenses issued to others, killing over the limits and federal Lacey Act violations for transporting illegally killed animals across state lines.

"These two cases illustrate how a few people can do an obscene amount of damage to the resource in a relatively short time," said Warden Sgt. Mike Moore of Miles City, who worked on both cases. "Our wildlife is a very valuable resource coveted by people who will go to extremes, including breaking state and federal laws. This kind of complex, time consuming investigation is the only way to learn the extent of the damage going on around us and to put a stop to it."

State and federal law enforcement is strengthened by an agreement among 13 Western states, known as the Wildlife Violator Compact, that a loss of hunting privileges in one state will extend to all the others in the agreement.

Moore said over 50 FWP Wardens and other state and federal game authorities across the U.S. worked as a team to collect the evidence and complete the investigations required to bring these two cases to a close. Another important partner in solving wildlife crimes is the public. In 2000, the TIP-MONT hotline logged over 1,000 calls, the most calls in the 16-year history of the hotline. The toll free number, 1-800-847-6668, is open 24 hours a day and callers can remain anonymous, do not have to testify in court and may receive a reward for a tip that helps to protect Montana’s fish, wildlife and parks resources.

Moore said the forfeited trophy mounts will be made available to local and state government entities, to be displayed with tags noting their illegal origin and the loss of resources to legal hunters. A "Wall of Shame" in the conference room at the Miles City FWP Region 7 office also attests to the waste of public resources involved in these two cases.

"We aren’t naive, we know these are only two instances out of who knows how many other cases," Moore said. "But, when we do get a lead we follow it. Putting a stop to even one poaching ring of this size is a major accomplishment for the resource and the people of Montana.

http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o226/northern_01/Rosebud.jpg" alt="" />