Leupold Rx II???

Hey i was wondering what rangefinder everyone uses while bowhunting? Does anyone use the RX II? I have heard good and bad about the RxII. Any recomendations on which lower priced rangefinder is the best? Any info will help!
The RXII??.....my opinion, save your money and wait for a better model to come out. This particular model has had it's problems and accuracy levels.

I currently use the Leica Geovid Binocular Rangefinder (BRF). It's the best of both worlds, IMO......awesome glass and consistent/accurate rangefinder.
My RXII reads the same exact distances as my pardners leica out to 650 yards,its a good peice,best for the price range,my advice,talk to people who own them and then get one.

I owned one....tested one.....and couldn't get it to function as advertised consistently. Sent it back and spoke to the Leupold about the problem......who admitted they were having problems with them. My advice, like originally stated, save your money and wait for a newer model to come out. It's on it's way....JMO
I recently bought mine,what was going wrong with yours?How did leopold handle it?How long did u have it before tyhe problems showed up?Thanx for the info...

I couldn't get mine to read consistently at yardages less than about 100 yards. Sometimes it would read and sometimes it wouldn't. Thought maybe I had a lemon, so I exchanged it. The replacement had the same problems. Also, I could stand in the same place and get two different readings at the same object...sometimes 3 yards difference. That's probably not a factor for a rifle hunter, but for bowhunting it's huge.

I've been told they are working on it and a newer version will be coming out. Time will tell. I love the concept, especially with the angle compensation.
Did they offer to send you the new version as a replacement?Leopold has always gone beyond the call for me in their warranty dept.,I would be suprised if they didnt try to make you happy.
No they didn't......but I think that's because it's not avavilable yet. I'm told they're working on it for production now. You're right, they have a good customer service department...
Ill bet once its out if you contact them they would just replace it with the new model,they did that with a spotting scope i had problems with.
I have an rx ll and I had problems with the first one like mentioned above, called Leupold and they said sen it to them. They sent me a brand new one and it has worked great. I always range my practice targets multiple time and I have been getting the same readings from it consistently, with the exception of between yardages. It may say 40 yards and then go to 41 yards as you move the rangefinder to a different spot on the target and then it will go back to 40 yards, most of the time one step in either direction gets a solid reading for that yardage.
That being said, I think it could be better. I would like to see the same reading everytime it reads something, that's the way my old bushnell was and if it wasn't so big I would have kept it. I still like having the TBR concept, if I miss a shot with it because it is off (while practicing) I will sell it but so far that hasn't happened.

Last year, I missed a nice bull elk shooting downhill because I didn't cut enough yardage and shot over his back. I didn't know the angle of the slope and guessed, I was wrong!