Leupold VX-L?
8/3/07 10:05pm
Has anybody tried Leupold's VX-L scope yet? Looks pretty cool, it's curved on the bottom to sit ultra low on the rifle. Thinkin about gettin it for my next rifle and wondering if anyone's tried it or heard anything about it.
The VX-L does mount lower. so it did fit into my scabbard. I still wish Leupold would make it in a 42 or 44 in addition to the 50 & 56
Mine is mounted on a 270WSM and it handled that recoil just fine.
Glass is pretty clear,
It was a challenge to get the right ring bases to mount it and the pop-open lense covers are very back ordered and very expensive.
I did get the lense covers and they fit very well. They are well built.