Liam Neeson Eats Wolf Meat, Pisses Off PETA
2/20/12 2:03pm
Actor and certified badass Liam Neeson has never been a friend to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The animal-lovers put a bullseye on the Irish-born actor in 2009 after he told The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart about the superb conditions of New York’s carriage horses.
Now, PETA is going after Neeson again, this time for dining on wolf meat while on the set of his new movie, The Grey.
According to The (Vancouver) Province, director Joe Carnahan ordered four wolf carcasses from trapper Dick McDiarmid of Smithers, B.C. Two of the carcasses were to be used as props — the other two, however, became the crew’s lunch.
OK, not everyone involved with the movie tried it, but Neeson was reportedly down with a little wolf jerky.
From the beginning, the animal rights camp hasn’t been big on The Grey, which follows a group of Alaskan oil workers stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash, all the while evading a pursuing pack of wolves. Groups like PETA maintain that the movie only makes wolves look like bloodthirsty monsters.
We’ll concede that wolves aren’t rampaging monsters of the wilderness, but they are territorial animals and can be dangerous to humans and destructive to ungulate populations. In any case, it’s not as if the cast and crew went out and slaughtered an entire pack of wolves. If it’s already dead, is it so wrong to eat it? Waste not, want not, right?
Have you ever heard of anyone eating wolf meat? Think Liam is even more hardcore for trying it?
Now, PETA is going after Neeson again, this time for dining on wolf meat while on the set of his new movie, The Grey.
According to The (Vancouver) Province, director Joe Carnahan ordered four wolf carcasses from trapper Dick McDiarmid of Smithers, B.C. Two of the carcasses were to be used as props — the other two, however, became the crew’s lunch.
OK, not everyone involved with the movie tried it, but Neeson was reportedly down with a little wolf jerky.
From the beginning, the animal rights camp hasn’t been big on The Grey, which follows a group of Alaskan oil workers stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash, all the while evading a pursuing pack of wolves. Groups like PETA maintain that the movie only makes wolves look like bloodthirsty monsters.
We’ll concede that wolves aren’t rampaging monsters of the wilderness, but they are territorial animals and can be dangerous to humans and destructive to ungulate populations. In any case, it’s not as if the cast and crew went out and slaughtered an entire pack of wolves. If it’s already dead, is it so wrong to eat it? Waste not, want not, right?
Have you ever heard of anyone eating wolf meat? Think Liam is even more hardcore for trying it?
I personally love anyone that PETA hates just on principal.