Lifetime License?

Just wondering if any of you would purchase a lifetime license if it was brought back, sad thing is that it would cost a lot more now days than it did back when they offered it.

It would be tempting for me, I am 28 and figure that i have many more years of hunting ahead of me.
Don't think you need to worry about that, it'll never come back. :)

But boy do I wish I would have bought one back then, real dumb idea IMO though.
I agree they will never bring this back, I was fortunate enough of have a Dad that was smart enough to get one for myself, my brother, and him. Needless to say we have a sister who loves hunting as much as we do and he didn't buy her one. She don't like it when so doesn't draw.
Probably a good thing, up until now, that I never got one. Being in the Navy for the past 24+ years and living in 7 different states, 10 different cities and moving an average of every 3 years makes hunting a bit tough. I've made it out 10 of the last 11 years but prior to that had been a loooonnnggggg stretch, before some on this board were even born.
i am 13 i would love to get one of those when i am 16
im 17 and have no clue what all you old timers are talking about... :dumb

be a saint and teach a young gun something new :thumb
ya i dont know what your talking bout either
Back in the day they used to sell a lifetime hunting liscence. They were like $500.00 and once you bought one you never had to buy another hunting liscence in Utah ever again. This doesn't cover limited entry or once in a lifetime. It does cover deer and small game. If I remember right they quit selling them in the late 80's.

I know that $500.00 doesn't seem like much now but back then money was tight for most folks and deer tags weren't $35.00 a pop.

Wish that I had got one though but at that time I was just married and trying to scrap out a living.
Hah, that's pretty cool. Weird Idea but cool none the less. I'm gonna have to get on dad why he doesnt have one now!

thanks bow nut
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My dad has one, I wish I had one. If he would have known, he could buy me one he would have, I was only 3 or 4 when he bought it.
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My son and I got a Wyoming hunting/fishing and conservation stamp life time. We've had it for about 5 years now. it does not cover big game/ trophy game or turkey.