Light Weight Spotter
6/17/09 10:40am
I am looking for a light weight spooting scope. My choices were. Leupold 15-30-50 gold ring. A vortex nomad 20-60-60. I was doing sum surfing and I found. A minox md 16-30-50. I no nothing about this brand. Can sum one help? I am a newbie to hunting out west. So I can not afford top end glass. Just looking for the best bang for the dollar. With all the gear I had to buy this year. New rifle,pack,tent,sleeping bag,pad,stove and the list goes on. I will be upgrading though... Thanks

6/17/09 10:48am
IMO you can't go wrong with the Leupold. I have never used Vortex but heard they are nice. I used a leupold for 6 or 7 years before I was able to upgrade to Swarovski. Now my brother in Law uses the leupold and it is still holding strong.

6/17/09 10:16pm
Here's my old school leupold...25X50 great lil scope! :thumb

6/22/09 8:33pm
Ike, I had that same scope for about 15 years but then the zipper on the case scratched the eyepiece lens. They gave me a 15-30x50mm to replace it because they could not replace the eyepiece.(too old) I love my new scope and leupold for taking care of me.