Likely Tables Period One

I drew it and I am ecstatic! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Congrats! Can't help, but hope someone can.
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Thank you sir. I shall keep you up to speed.
I drew Likely Table archery. I drew the same tag in 99. You should have no problem shooting a decent buck with a gun. Lots of public land with lopes on it. Don't expect monsters. A 14" goat is doable if you can hold out. Good luck. Ed F
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14" would be great. I plan on doing a lot of scouting before the season. The area is huge with a lot of speed goats out there. So I'll try to narrow it down. This is most likely a once in a lifetime tag so I'm going to make the best of it.

I took the entire season off of work so I'll have plenty of time.
take your time and whack a big one
Apparently this is a pretty well known unit - could someone inform as to where this is?

sorry for my ignorance but i aint tha smartedesst hick y'evr met
Northeastern California.
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Sorry it's been a while fellas. The pronghorn hunt was fantastic, absolutely did not go as planned but fantastic just the same. My wife (her first hunt) wanted to go out on the opener with me. So we got up @ 0300 head out at 0345, parked the truck at 0430, hiked and got in position at 0530. Shooting light was @ 0544. As we're waiting a truck comes down the road 3/4 mile away, we are in the middle of a sage flat, I shine my flashlight at him he acknowledges by turning off his headlights, tapping his brakes and continuing on his way (or so I thought). Shooting light comes we find the herd and begin our stalk. Everything is perfect, no wind, the herd (1 buck & 26 does) all have their heads down feeding and we are closing the gap. At 550 yards from the herd that SOB starts shooting (from the opposite side of the herd) from a berm. He didnt hit jack except possibly a does lower front leg. Herd skedaddles and my wife talked me out of having a "chat" with our new friend. We hunted the rest of the morning with zilch. Went to another spot to glass and a truck goes past us 200 yards and start glassing. We were not on a road and they saw us. Why? Pack of rude unethical SOB's. Then we got word my father in law was in the hospital. Rest of Saturday and early Sunday was shot for hunting but thankfully my father in law is OK.
Rest of the week was almost as disappointing. The buck I was after gave me some questionable shot opportunities but I didn't take them. I would much rather look in the mirror at a guy I am proud of than sell my ethics out for some horns.
Thursday was trophy/fill the tag day. I have a habit of hunting only one animal and usually eating a tag. My wife wanted antelope meat so now we are at Thursday. I hunted big boy in the morning and fill the tag in the afternoon. Big boy was a no show so Thursday afternoon I'm in a different area. I see the mask and good bases from 1200 yards away. I begin an 800 yard open country stalk (dammit I forgot my knee pads) over grass and lava rock. I got to 424 yards and could not get any closer. I am north of the buck and the wind is blowing from the west to the east. I do the math and decide on the hold. I have my crosshairs where I want them, I am in the zone the recoil scared the hell out of me. The buck is down. My friend calls is he down? Yes. How's he look? 12-13 inches says I and I begin my walk. When I come up on him all I see is the tip of his ear shot off. So I'm thinking I missed, hit his ear and fainted. Then I see the blood on the ground. Upon closer inspection the bullet was as close to perfect as could be. The exit got the ear he must have been shooing flies when he got hit.
So without further ado ladies and gentlemen I am proud to present the Mirage Buck

OK boys I can't post the pictures little help for the computer imbecile please.
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All hail the conquering imbecile!

The tip of the bullet points to the entrance wound." alt="" />
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Lets go for broke" alt="" />
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I call him the Mirage Buck because I never looked at his horns after my initial look and with the 95 degree temp. the mirage got me." alt="" />
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Started out at the treeline and shot from the small rise above and slightly right of the tail light." alt="" />
As long as the pics are on your computer it's easy, here is the link how...

Thanks for the story, even though you didn't get the one you wanted. Still sounds like fun, and typical with other hunters spoiling plans. :nono:
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Thats funny I'm conquering and your trying to help me out at the same time. It was worth it my wife is hooked on hunting and so are my daughters. Thats whats important.
Sweet and that is a HECK of a nice shot from that distance BTW!!
Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. Sorry to hear about the other hunter messing up your stalk, I had that happen a few years back. I don't think this guy and his son saw us though. I'm glad it all worked out for you and you killed a Pronghorn buck. That is great that your wife will hunt with you, special memories. :thumb Nice photos.