limeted entry elk hunting

it took me 17 years to draw a elk tag. at my age I don't know if I will ever draw another elk tag ever again. when they started the spike hunt it was only supposed to be for 5 years to bring a healthy population of mature bulls in the units, and then the hunt was supposed to go to limited entry and stop spike hunting. not sure what happened but I'm not to happy about it I would rather hunt mature bulls than spikes, if I want elk meat I can always put in for cow tags. in my opinion any resident with 10 points should be guaranteed an elk tag. 60% of spikes are killed every year. if the state would just go to limited entry those elk would grow to mature bulls giving the average hunter a lot better chance of drawing a tag. I have talked with many hunters that feel the same as I do and are very frustrated with the way things are right know. I want to encourage all elk hunters to e-mail all 8 of the wildlife board members and let them know 17 to 20+ years is not acceptable for limited entry hunting. link to board members
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if spike tags are cut back those bulls will grow to be mature and then the state can afford to give out more tags.
there are many people out there that would be happy killing a 5 point. the hard core hunters could still harvest great bull.
special interest groups seem to be the only ones happy with the current system.
"ramrod" wrote:if spike tags are cut back those bulls will grow to be mature and then the state can afford to give out more tags.

well after today that is not happening!!!! ](*,) ](*,)

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well after today that is not happening!!!! ](*,) ](*,)


it's to late for the 2009 season. if the average sportsman would get more involved, I believe we can influence the wildlife board to restructure the elk hunt in Utah so the average hunter benefits, instead of special interest groups.