2/9/09 4:13pm
Here in nv you can buy 2 tages and hunt hunt em year roun and we just got lots of FRESH snow! :thumb Im excited to get back out.
Do you hunt them with dogs?
Or do you cut tracks and use predator calls if you do not have dogs?
ya think what?
Glad I'm not the only one who didnt get " ya think" (???)
Good luck on the Lions this year post some pics when u get a chance
that your eyes skipped over the word do. It reads a little different without the do in there.
Nevadahunter, you hunt them with dogs, or cut tracks and follow them using predator calls.
Easy mistake.
Notenough tags wrote:
Nevada Hunter replied to Not enough tags post with
As he was agreeing with Notenough tags saying that he misunderstood my post
As in he misread what I posted when I asked him about how he hunted lions
KillerBee mistook Nevada Hunters post of: Thats excactly what i did. as Nevada hunter was saying he filled a lion tag.
so thats when KillerBee posted Nevada hunter never said he filled a tag.
I AM NOW LOCKING THIS TOPIC as we do not need for this to get out of hand. We have Forum rules here and we do not need the bickering on this site. If the two of you have a problem than take it up with each othere somewhere else. This is a hunting/Outdoors site to share with fellow members not to attack each other.
i did screw it up more ](*,) i read azredneckrabbits post of "i hope you can fill your tags" then nevadas" thats what i did"
dumb me, should have seen he was replying to NOTENOUGH
but when you read this thread from the very beginning , it is a little funny how almost every post is messed up by miss-reading it lol
thanks for the clarify :thumb