Lite Weight Tripods - Glassing
6/1/09 12:47pm
What are you carrying?
Uh...hope that didn't sound dumb. I just realized that I SUPPOSE all tripods look know, three legs and a mount.
I have a Gitzo Travler with carbon legs. Very light, compact and stabilizes my spotting scope well in breezy conditions. They're not cheap though.
For a cheaper model, the compact Nikon series is well made as well and failry light weight. I bought that to replace my Bushnell (your model) a few years back when I needed something steadier.
You draw any good tags this year? The new CA record books are on need one?
Thanks for asking... I really would like a new record book... Just let me know who to make out the check to and where to send it...
As far as tags... Out of over twenty some tags, I drew Colorado on a undersubscribed archery unit... Still waiting on California like the rest of us but I'm not holding my breath... It could take many years or never!!! I'd be in heaven if I got to draw the tags you had the last two years!
Call Ed and tell him you want the new book. (he's got them now) He'll give you the price and ship you one.......your check will be made out to CBH-BGC.