Little Boots
Don Fischer
6/8/07 8:14am
Don't know what happened here. Only part of the post showed up.
Went to a branding and found out the people pulling were kids. I mean kids! One was 8 yrs old and the other was 5 yrs old. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
This is 5 yr old Cord. He's been riding since he was lod enough to sit on a horse. His first birthday was spent at a branding on the home ranch.
His great grandfather started their ranch and still comes out to do the tally when they brand. This day was at a neighbors but Dad, Mom and Grandpa were there to help. Mom was heeling and Cord was pulling for her. In this shot, dad just finished tieing on the calf for Cord and grandpa's watching. " alt="" />
Just something I was thinking about and thought I'd pass along.
Went to a branding and found out the people pulling were kids. I mean kids! One was 8 yrs old and the other was 5 yrs old.

This is 5 yr old Cord. He's been riding since he was lod enough to sit on a horse. His first birthday was spent at a branding on the home ranch.
His great grandfather started their ranch and still comes out to do the tally when they brand. This day was at a neighbors but Dad, Mom and Grandpa were there to help. Mom was heeling and Cord was pulling for her. In this shot, dad just finished tieing on the calf for Cord and grandpa's watching.

Just something I was thinking about and thought I'd pass along.

6/8/07 10:35am
Thanks for sharing, those are cool pictures and I like your comments and story telling with the pics. Great family event! :thumb

6/8/07 10:45am
Great to see the "old west" still at heart.

6/8/07 2:18pm
usally kids start branding when they are 10 but not that young that is amazing

Don Fischer
6/8/07 3:18pm
Tell you guy's what. When I found out what was happening I was floored. A 50# 5 yr old on 1100#'s of arena horse just going about business. Cow boys are alive and well! Here's Cord and Mom doing their thing. Notice that Dad is right there with him. " alt="" />