Little fellas
2/26/07 7:57pm
Going to check on the cows, I almost had a heart attack when I seen these boy in the pasture next to ours. I couldnt figure out how to work the new camera I bought, so some of the pictures arent the best.

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Now where in Oakley are you :-k j/k
My brother just sold his house up that way he built about a year ago in North Bench Farms ( I think that was the Neighborhood)They always had critters coming off the hills and in the back yard too, beautiful area!
I know a few guys up that way, Chris Hansen, Trent Wall
Do you know either of em?
How do you know Trent?
Funny the world is so small.
Trent and his family have been friends of my family for as long as I can remember, we had a farm in WJ and they were our neighbors.
My cousin does all his painting on his big Machinery also.
It is amazing what a small world it is, I am sure if you have been at any of his Christmas get togethers we have probably met.
Erin and I were in the same grade through High School so we knew eachother and my little brother is best friends with Kory.
I dont think he is but i am not totally sure.
There was a post not to long ago I think it was "Who do you know that has the most mounts" I think Trent would probably be the person I know.
He has Mounts all through a part of the house, it is a AWESOME set-up he has up there.
Maybe ANTLERS will get some pics next time he is at Trent's, since he lives close to him, I am sure we would all enjoy seeing them! He has quite
a Collection of some GREAT CRITTERS.
He has some amazing animals.
(Also, Im not a guy..)
Sorry bout that Antler's
are they wasatch bulls?
cwmu bulls?
or open bulls?