little help?

so i was wonderin what sort of attractants u guys use for elk,specifically infront of a trail cam. tried some grains wiht no luck was thinknin tryin apples.. thanks for any help
Ive heard Salt Lick from a Ranch/Farming store's work (IFA, Cal-Ranch ect...) Ive heard the "Trophy-Rock" has worked on Elk too but most people tell me thats just an over priced salt lick.
I used a cow elk scent one year and it brought them in. and every other known critter came in to investiagate.
I would say the best bet is to find a beaten game trail and set up on that.
Last week when I set my cams up we couldnt believe the game trails already packed down.
Water holes and wallows come later in the fall are the best
Good luck
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Try a bag of the red stock salt. Its cheap and you can carry in 10 or 20 pounds into your secret area. Pour it into the soil, set your camera up at least 20 to 30 yards away because elk love to lick and rub it off the trees. You'll get some great pictures and the animals will actually dig a hole in the soil eating the salt. Best of luck and share your pics.
dreaming big
I have hunted some private land near East canyon, i had several tree cameras and had pretty good luck with salt licks from cal ranch.
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put the high protein sweet feed in a dry spot and stick a camera on it. You'll need at least 1500 lbs to last a couple days but you'll get thousands of pics. God I wish I was kidding!