Lizard in a can - good weekend

I found 7 sheds last night and 5 more today. 4 of them were "brown" or maybe I should just call them fresh since there is not much color left. The 3 point set is from this year and was lying close together. I carry a bag with me when I shed hunt to pick up trash. Some places are worse than others and the place I went is full of cans and bottles. I found a little hitchhiker in one of the cans when I got home.
Your a good man for picking up trash like that, very impressive. No wonder your blessed with so many sheds. :thumb :thumb
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I figure that if I pick up the trash now it won't be there to make me mad next year. I don't pick up trash when I am hunting animals but I don't need to be so quiet when I'm looking for sheds.
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Yes, thanks for being a good Steward for the trash and the little fellow!!! Nice finds on the sheds as well!!! 10sign:
Good work!
Over the years I've found a lot of interesting stuff while shed hunting.
Lots of trash to.