Llewellin Setters

This is what kind of setter i have. i love her, shes a great dog. This guy who breeds em sold it to us. he runs a hunting club up here and my cousins club is connected to it, this is what kind of dog they all run for their upland birds. My dog aint much of a waterfowl dog but she does love water. anyone else got this kind of setter?
Here is a pic of a llewellin, looks alot like mine only mine has an orange ear.
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Nice looking dog. what you have is a FDSB Lewellyn. It's actually an English Setter but DNA's back to Lewellyn's strain. Quite often they don't have the high tail yours does. Guy in Alabama breeds them that are wonderful, High Cotton Setter's, maybe Lewellyns. He hangs out on gun dog forum quite a bit and is a wealth of knowledge on them and willing to talk to anyone about them. Great guy! Forgot to mention, AKC does not recognize the Lewellyn as a seperate breed.

I have two setters, Tekoa Mt/ Smith breeding. Love these guys but they can really put a hit on in open spaces, we're working on that!

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/SquritandBodie002.jpg" alt="" />

http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o277/DonFischer/SuirtandBodie003.jpg" alt="" />
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gotta love the setters great bird dogs just sucks keeping the burrs out, the one I had was awesome he got to where as soon as he got a burr he would just hurry and pull it out it made my job easy, he was a really smart dog, I miss him, lost him last year!
Pretty dogs! :thumb