Locked a post by SUBOY

I locked and edited a this post titled "What do you think" in the Mule Deer = General forum. Some potty language was used by both him and the rookie. Honestly this rookie feller is turning out the be quite the peice of work. And both have quite the short fuse.
SUBOY emailed me apologizing and asking if I would please unlock it for him, what say ye DEADI?

I didn't read any of it, your call.


Yea the therookie seems quite the character.
IMO Suboy is an ok guy, he emailed me and appolized for reacting the way he did to the rookies post. Suboy then stated he was removing his post that he made, I did not see any ba language made from Suboy he did howeevr use blank spaces as fill the blanks for words we would of used, however he admited he was wrong.
you didn't see the language because i edited it. but maybe i should have just deleted it. its all good now.