Long Distance shooting

Hello, I am shooting a 30-06 with 180 gr. remington core loc bullets. I have always done well with this rifle out to 100 yards. I have recently started trying to shoot at 300 yards and am not doing so well? I understand breathing control and trigger pull. I also am learning ballistics in regards to bullet drop. Any other advice? I am planning on hunting in norther utah this fall and want to be ready for what ever shot I need to take. Thanks for any advice you have.
Try 150 gr in your 30- 06. Then work on it. I would zero in at about 225 yards.
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"harvey" wrote:Hello, I am shooting a 30-06 with 180 gr. remington core loc bullets. I have always done well with this rifle out to 100 yards. I have recently started trying to shoot at 300 yards and am not doing so well? I understand breathing control and trigger pull. I also am learning ballistics in regards to bullet drop. Any other advice? I am planning on hunting in norther utah this fall and want to be ready for what ever shot I need to take. Thanks for any advice you have.
What specifically are you having problems with or what are the symptoms???
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Shoot I just go done working the ambulance and you want to know signs and symptoms! I really dont know. I shoot an average 1.5 to two inch group at 100 yards. When I try and reach out to 300 yards I have not been very lucky. I took a shot at about 330 yds last night at a wood chuck and missed him twice! I could not see where my bullet hit but I was about 14 inches over his head when i shot? using the 180 gr. remingtons that would be about right for what remington says. I know when I turn the scope up to 9 power it is dificult to hold real still. I just want to be able to shoot at a deer at 300 yds. and not wound him.
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Hello Harvey.
Ok,alot of great information posted on your question. The fact that you can shoot in your backyard makes solving the problem much easier and 99% of us shooter are very envious of you. ****banana.You want to start removing the variables one by one so you have a clear path of where you've been and where your going.Wingmaster36 has a good starting point ,does the gun fit you well. Are you crawling the stock or moving your head up and down trying to get a good sight picture? Once you can check that off,the next item is what bullet weight does your rifle like. This will envolve fussing around with different brands of amunition and bullet weights.Shooting off of a solid rest with sand bags at the very least. You need to find the most accurate load for your rifle.Your rifle currently shoots 1 1/2 to 2 minutes of angle at 100yds. Using 2in, that would give you 4in at 200yds and 6in at 300yds. Accurate enough for deer, but to large a group to consistently kill Wood Chucks at 300yds , so that's why you just fired two warning shots at the Wood Chuck the other night. :222 After you find what your rifle likes,get a cheap sheet of plywood,paint it white,staple some targets to it and set it out there at 300yds and see exactly where your rifle/amunition print . That way you will know what to expect when you pull the trigger. Good Luck :thumb
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Wow, Thanks all. You have given me some good ideas on what or at least were to start. I have never tried different weights of bullets but I have a ruger 10-22 that won't shoot high end ammo at all but will consistently shoot cci mini-mags. I guess I never thought that might apply to my 30-06 as well. Besides different weights different brands? Ok. Not much better way to spend the afternoon or weekend than a little shooting. I have already made up a 4x4 piece of ply wood and have 100 yd range targets for it. I just havn't used it yet. as far as the way the rifle fits? I will have to check that also. I know that last year I shot three white tails all about 90 yards out. I was sitting in a tree and twice the wind was blowing. I pulled the rifle up and when the cross hairs were on I let it go. One deer went about 50 yards and that was the furthest. Crazy though where I hunt the biggest of the deer was a 3 1/2 year old 3x4 or up here a seven point. It only weighed out at about 110 pounds. I hear the Muley's that I am going after will double that!