Long Overdue Hello

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. Since getting out of the Marine Corps I've been working two jobs. Hope everyone is doing good and getting ready for a new season! I miss being able to hang out on here more but life happens I guess.
I also thought I'd let everyone know I have a lot of 100 New in packaging 5.56/.223 30 round AR Magazines for sale. These are the improved military mags with the stainless steel spring and brown follower. Looking to get $40 each if anyone is interested. Will consider trades as well.
Welcome back, Pete!

Sorry to say, well, not really, but I have no need for AR mags. Carried enough M-16/M-4's to where I don't have a desire to own an AR now.
Good to hear from you Pete! I posted a while back, seeing if you were around. I don't think I ever heard how your last hunting season went?

Hope all is well, nice to hear from you-and don't be a stranger :-)
Abert I am the same way. I don't even own an AR I do have alot of mags however!
Killer I had a good hunting season last year. I tagged out with an archery cow elk and my muzzle loader buck.
"sneekeepete" wrote:Abert I am the same way. I don't even own an AR I do have alot of mags however!
Killer I had a good hunting season last year. I tagged out with an archery cow elk and my muzzle loader buck.
Well that's good to hear Pete, thanks for checking in
Springville Shooter
Welcome back Pete......missed you for sure. Are you still in central Utah? By the way, those mags work great in the Mossberg MVP bolt action rifle......great for those who don't like the AR but still want to have a use for the magazines. The MVP I shot grouped as well as any custom varmint rifle stacking 50 grain V-max bullets into a tiny bughole. Heck, one 30 round mag in this rifle would last all year!---SS
Hey Pete, Good to hear from you. :thumb
Nice to hear from you man, I hope working the 2 jobs now doesn't interfere with your hunting too much!