Long Overdue Hello
1/23/13 8:36am
Hey guys sorry it's been so long. Since getting out of the Marine Corps I've been working two jobs. Hope everyone is doing good and getting ready for a new season! I miss being able to hang out on here more but life happens I guess.
I also thought I'd let everyone know I have a lot of 100 New in packaging 5.56/.223 30 round AR Magazines for sale. These are the improved military mags with the stainless steel spring and brown follower. Looking to get $40 each if anyone is interested. Will consider trades as well.
I also thought I'd let everyone know I have a lot of 100 New in packaging 5.56/.223 30 round AR Magazines for sale. These are the improved military mags with the stainless steel spring and brown follower. Looking to get $40 each if anyone is interested. Will consider trades as well.
Sorry to say, well, not really, but I have no need for AR mags. Carried enough M-16/M-4's to where I don't have a desire to own an AR now.
Hope all is well, nice to hear from you-and don't be a stranger :-)
Killer I had a good hunting season last year. I tagged out with an archery cow elk and my muzzle loader buck.