Long Range scope options
3/25/13 12:08pm
I would like some opinions on a long range scope please. I would like to put it on a .270 WSM rifle.
I personally like the Zeiss 4.5-14 or the 6.5-20 conquest model.
Leupold also makes several great options
You can get custom dials made for the load and caliber you are going to use.
Many, many choices out there and just as many opinions on which is the best. My advice, look through as much glass as you can and make up you own mind rather that listen to someone who dropped a few bucks on a scope so it has to be good to them.
You have to have access to a chronograph.But after the load development it's light out at some pretty
good distances.
As things go today they are a poor mans option.I have 4 for the price of one NightForce
Good luck with whatever you choose.
What I have noticed between Leupold and Nikon is that the Leupolds seem to have a wider field of view even with the same mm objective. When you look through a Nikon you still have a good sight picture and a good field of view, but the picture doesn't take up the entire eyepiece. You can see the "edges of black" around your picture. The Leupold's picture takes up the entire eyepiece; which is definitely a plus. I love Leupolds, just like the Nikon price. I guess I'm a cheap-skate. lol
I would like to try a nikon on a 22-250 though :)
S&B arent what they use to be.
zeiss is ok, along with swaro.
anything else, dont bother. IMO
I like all the scopes I have and the rifle I use more than any which is my win model 70 300 wsm happens to have a Nikon Monarch on it with a ballistic turret and it has served me well. I have a few Zeiss Consquest in the 3x9 and 4x14's I really like, and my leupy's as well but the scope I am really enjoying right now is a Swarovski Z3 4x12 my wife gave me for Christmas and I put it on top of my Win model 70 270 wsm it is really a super scope. I have a votex viper hs lr on a 7mm mag rem 700 and like it too but the bdc reticle is a little too fine for my liking. I have heard the new models are bolder.
Anyway, we enjoy a lot of good choices with a lot of options.
Just saw you (op) are from Independance, I'm in Howard almost every weekend.
Here is the problem it cost 2-4 times what your rifle cost, but i will assure you will have a clear view of what you are shooting with a very dependable turrets that will go back to zero every-time.
best of luck
I've got a Nikon Buckmaster 6-18X40 scope on my 22-250 and it's been great for shooting rock chucks and the like. I think the 4.5-14x would have worked just as good, but I got a better deal on the 6-18. It has the BDC reticle and works pretty well for general shooting. It's a little harder if you're using it to shoot for groups though as the circles are a bit large on targets at 200 and further.
It all just depends on what you're really wanting to do with your rifle. Long range big game hunting, I don't know if I'd really go past 16x on the upper end. Sure it's nice on the long shots, but it also can be very hard for follow up shots.