Looking ahead to wyoming 2006

My partner and I are looking into hunting Antelope in Wyoming Next year. We have never been before and were wondering if any one can turn us on to a good unit to apply for?? Maybe we could trade info on Idaho, If you like.
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Last year my hunting partner and I didn't decide to go on an Antelope hunt until after the regular draw was over.We did however have the option for leftovers,and we took advantage of it.Niether one of us had ever been on this type of hunt before so to us it didn't matter what erea we took.My frien Bill does a considerable amount of traveling and had been through Casper a number of times and said he always sees Antelope there,so that made up our mind about what part of Wyoming we were going to hunt in.
We chose unit #31.This erea is on the east side of Casper and streches about 5-7 miles north and south of the interstate that runs through town.We arrived late friday night and by 3:00 pm on saturday Bill filled his tag and at 11:00 am on sunday I filled mine.
We are going back in 'o6 and this time we will also be hunting mulies.
If you've got a tag, and you dont care what size, then you will get one no doubt in whatever unit you have.. but if you want a real mature goat apply for unit 51 or 57.. It will probably take a couple years before you draw though, but if your willing to wait, and you're there opening weekend, you will take a great goat!

Good luck on whatever you decide though. and leep posted next year on how you do.
"Ultrahunter" wrote:My partner and I are looking into hunting Antelope in Wyoming Next year. We have never been before and were wondering if any one can turn us on to a good unit to apply for?? Maybe we could trade info on Idaho, If you like.
Hello Ultrahunter,
I noticed that you what to come to Wyoming for an antelope hunt. Check into Area 55 that is just south of the town of Rawlins. Excellent area for taking good to very good buck antelope. I, along with my wife, put in every year and draw. I really can't say what the odds for non-residents are on drawing that area. I would be interested in information on a bear hunt in Idaho.
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If you are looking for a spring hunt I would put in for unit 32a, My buddy drew that tag last year and we were able to find him a nice boar after we passed on three others in one weekend. Thanks for the info on Wyoming I would be happy to take you up where we went if you draw a bear tag.
Let me know if you guys draw and if I do I will be more than happy to show you guys the area. I will only be available on certain days because I also guide. I am not trying to sell my services here, just letting you know that I am pretty busy during that time so getting away to hunt is sometimes tough. In fact my wife and I both had tags last year for area 55 and I wasn't able to go. PM me if you want more info.
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Thanks for the intel I will let you know if we draw anything. Just FYI you need to put in for spring bear in Idaho between Jan 15 and Feb 15, so if you are interested in 32a you ought to start thinking about it. Good luck if you do put in!!
Ultrahunter, Did you draw your Speedgoat tag?