looking back
2/12/06 3:28pm
Hi All. It's been a week since my bro showed me how to post pictures.
I've had cabin fever baaaaaaad and was looking through my pics to try and lessen the symptoms. Here are a couple more of last summers elk. The first one is on the same spring as the 383" 7X7 that my brother posted as contestant #4.
I've seen elk with a little velvet hanging but nothing like this. Pretty dramatic photos.
The other one is of an old bull. He lives through the late summer and fall in a little draw that is only about one mile out of town. He's been there every summer for years He was a great 8X7 but his rack has gotten smaller each of the last two years. It's funny all of the hundreds of people who drive within 800 yards of this spot on their way to look for elk in the high country.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. I'll try more later if I can get this to work

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/Reeces28.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/Reeces29.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0138.jpg " alt="" />

http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f360/mgander/CRIM0156.jpg " alt="" />
I've had cabin fever baaaaaaad and was looking through my pics to try and lessen the symptoms. Here are a couple more of last summers elk. The first one is on the same spring as the 383" 7X7 that my brother posted as contestant #4.
I've seen elk with a little velvet hanging but nothing like this. Pretty dramatic photos.
The other one is of an old bull. He lives through the late summer and fall in a little draw that is only about one mile out of town. He's been there every summer for years He was a great 8X7 but his rack has gotten smaller each of the last two years. It's funny all of the hundreds of people who drive within 800 yards of this spot on their way to look for elk in the high country.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. I'll try more later if I can get this to work

And yes that velvet hanging off is definitely dramatic, AWESOME.
Great pics, thanks for sharing some more of your talents and hard work.