looking for a camera

Im looking at buying a camera to take pics of some wildlife. i have been looking around for a bit, is there a good camera in the 500-600$ range or should i save up some more and get something else?

I used to know everything about this camera, but hadn't kept up with all the info and cameras and what not the past year or two.. but anyways, In 2004 I bought the fujifilm S5000 and it's been great for my simple photography needs. You can buy lenses for it for those long shots, but ive never felt the real need.

anyways, just thought id let ya know ive been pretty pleased with this camera. very easy to use as well, and you can shoot B&W photos of you'd like which is kinda fun to play around with.

I bouth the camera back then for $300 (i dont remember low 300's or high 300's but somewhere in there) i'd expect it to be ssomewhat cheaper today though. ill look around and see if i cant post a link to all the info on it.

well there's that - didnt look around at all for the price on it yet, but noticed on that site it says something about amazon and nearly $600 - i dont know what thats all about, i bought the camera on sale but still they wouldnt have nocked off that much, so im not sure what the price is for these right now.

good luck
hound hunter

you have any pics you could post that you took with that camera?

Panasonic FZ30.....12x optical zoom, light, 8+ megapixel, image stabilization, and a bunch more. $500.00 out the door!
I use a Digital Rebel 350 XT, with 2 different lenses.

A little over $100.00 dollars more than what you want to spend though.

LOVE the camera.

Here is the link to the camera...


Well here's just a few - I tried to get a little a everything, obviously a close portrait (say taking pictures of a bagged animal) are all gonna be close-up and in focus pretty much regardless of the camera, so i tried to get a few 'outdoors' shots that're more about what i imagine you'll be shooting.

If you think ya might be interested in the camera and you'd like - ive got hundres a more photos ive taken with it id be glad to send over to ya to check out, haha. w_gleave@hotmail.com

Gramps funeral just had a lot of color with all them flowers so thats why i threw that one in there.
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/StanleyT1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/S1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/RockTortoise-31.jpg" alt="" />
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/OldWyomingHome1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/desertturtle1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/GroupofDoes1.jpg" alt="" />
That black n white's pretty fun to play around with sometimes. now keep in mind with these photo's - im no pro, probably not even up the to title of ameteur yet, so if you knew what you were doing im sure you could get a little better photo out of things. Also there's a video camera option on it that comes in handy sometimes. Any questions feel free and hollar. Also, the pics in the photography section title "falcon eats rabbit" or somethin like that were takin with this camera, as well as the pics of my elk hunt.
(won't let me delete? - just ignore this post)
thanks hound 4 te pics but i cant see em

Photobucket seems to be having some issues at the moment? Can't see them either.

I shrunk all of em down a couple sizes so they'd fit in here a little better, just to see if that might have been the problem at all? There now all 640X480. I think the smaller sizes take away from the quality a tad, so if you'd like the full screen ones e-mail me. this still gives you an idea though. I'm not sure why you guys cant see em on here? They show up perfectly fine for me?
thanks for the help guys, ill let you know what i get

awsome pics hound hunter

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I shoot with a panasonic FX7.... the only difference between this and the FX30 is that the FX7 has less megapixels. 6.8 vs. 8mp if I remember correctly. The price difference is about $200 and the FX7 is cheaper. Remember too that if your price range is 500-600 for everything and not just the camera you will spend another 150 or so just in accessories. For wildlife photography you will want to have a couple cards and a spare battery. If you take it to the mountains alot like I do you may also want to spend the $75 to get accidental insurance on it from like circuit city or somewhere similiar so even if you drop it or it gets washed in a river you can exchange it for a new one. When my 2 year contract is up I will make sure to get it replaced and get a new camera.