Looking for a hunting partner

Hey everyone, I really want to go elk hunting this year, but my hunting partner has moved. Not into doing a hunt solo, so if anyone is interested in bow hunting and looking for a partner too, hit me up.
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Just read my post and it's pretty vague..lol. I want to hunt cow elk in Utah. I don't have any access to private land so it will be a public land hunt for me. The last two years I hit the La Sal mountain range..saw them but never got close enough. Also there was a lot of sheep in that area which made it really annoying. I am from Hill AFB and up for travelling most anywhere for a chance at getting one, still waiting for my first take down. I hear there is some decent hunting past hardware ranch by Logan.
Im thinking I want to go give elk one more try this year. I know a spot out by Vernal I want to try. I'm going to go for 4 days, I was planning on going solo because none of my friends bowhunt. I live in Clinton, right next to HAFB. Let me know if your interested.
I could show you a couple of spots up by Strawberry. I don't know how well working the water holes this year will be but there are usualy plenty of elk in there. What part of the hunt were you thinking about heading out on?
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might not be of much help in the opener as my father-in-law is flying out to hunt elk for his first time with me....but most of my time will be spent getting him a shot at a cow.

anyways my point is if i dont have a chance to get one myself i hunt the extended until the day it closes, might be able to work something out then if you're still hunting...im from west point...i solo hunt often and hunt hard but never hurts to have company
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I am hunting colorado second season buck, and bull if it snows. I know not much help for utah but you guys here are very generous in the above posts. The other forums seem to bee a competition, You guys are top shelf.
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Your not lying. All the people that responded to my post are are stellar in their generosity to help another bowhunter out. I am joining one of the above posts on an elk hunt this year and I can't wait. Thank you again to all that offered to join me this year, I really appreciate it. Good luck to everybody out there!