Looking for A new bird dog
For The Love of It
3/21/11 7:41am
I was wondering if anyone knows of some german wire hair pointer puppies that are either already born or expected in the near future. If you guys know of any one feel free to PM me or reply.

5/22/11 10:21pm
I was at the the fraternity for desert big horn meeting last night at the southpoint hotel. the fraternity auctioned a 5 month old german wire hair pointer he was started on wings since his eyes were open and his list of genetics could have written a book i gave up on bidding once the price hit 700 i think he went for 14 or 1500 have you had any luck on finding one?

For The Love of It
8/27/11 4:21pm
No I havent found anything yet. Im with you though in that I woulkd have stopped bidding thats a little pricy for me. Anyways I will keep searching and if I find anything I will let you know.