Looking for companions
9/26/07 7:14am
Looking for companions for extreme hunt in Siberia (450 km from Irkutsk). I know the place and the local hunters. Season: from October to December. For more info contact: v.nerijus@yahoo.com
Access to a normal shooting position of two sables and squirrels is guaranteed. Normally there is a vast number of these furry animals and their hunting is unlimited.
Additional hunting:
* Blackcock (lat. Tetrao tetrix) - 250 EUR.
* Wolf (lat. Canis lupus) - 750 EUR.
* Rassomaxa (lat. Gula gula) - 800 EUR.
* Reindeer (lat. Rangifeto tarandus) - 1500 EUR.
* Elk (lat. Alces alces) - 2000 EUR.
* Lynx (lat. Lynx lynx) - 2300 EUR.
* Deer (lat. Cervus elaphus) - 2400 EUR.
* Bear (lat. Ursus arktos) - 3000 EUR.
During the hunt the hunter is accompanied by a leading hunter. Training for dog hunting and adaptation peculiarities in taiga is arranged.
The gun is provided (if needed). There is a number of options (Mannlicher, CZ, IZ etc.).
If you shoot some animal for food, you do not have to pay any money. So, it may happen that you shoot a deer, elk, etc. for free.
Travel expenses depend on where you come from. Meeting point is Irkutsk - 450 km from the hunt area. All local transfers, food (3 meals per day), leading hunter's services, gun and accommodation for the entire tour should not cost more than 800 EUR.
Welcome to the forum.
Those moose are in some pretty remote areas and the use of helicoptor is needed sometimes. I know a guy that has taken most of the animals you mentioned over in Sibera. From what I underrstand it was great hunting but expensive for the travel..