Looking for companions

Looking for companions for extreme hunt in Siberia (450 km from Irkutsk). I know the place and the local hunters. Season: from October to December. For more info contact: v.nerijus@yahoo.com
"tomas678" wrote:Looking for companions for extreme hunt in Siberia (450 km from Irkutsk). I know the place and the local hunters. Season: from October to December. For more info contact: v.nerijus@yahoo.com
::wel to MuleyMadness! Tell us more about the hunt. What will you be hunting? Travel? Expenses? Thanks.
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There are a lot of animals to hunt there: bear, deer, lynx, elk, reindeer, wolf, blackcock, etc. I would like to do so called extreme hunting. The hunt lasts 11-15 days. It is highly active. It involves a lot of movement and shooting. A hunter may need to travel distances of 10-15 km. All this requires a traveler to be in good physical shape. However, there is always a possibility to stay in a hunters hut for a day or two and take a rest.
Access to a normal shooting position of two sables and squirrels is guaranteed. Normally there is a vast number of these furry animals and their hunting is unlimited.
Additional hunting:
* Blackcock (lat. Tetrao tetrix) - 250 EUR.
* Wolf (lat. Canis lupus) - 750 EUR.
* Rassomaxa (lat. Gula gula) - 800 EUR.
* Reindeer (lat. Rangifeto tarandus) - 1500 EUR.
* Elk (lat. Alces alces) - 2000 EUR.
* Lynx (lat. Lynx lynx) - 2300 EUR.
* Deer (lat. Cervus elaphus) - 2400 EUR.
* Bear (lat. Ursus arktos) - 3000 EUR.

During the hunt the hunter is accompanied by a leading hunter. Training for dog hunting and adaptation peculiarities in taiga is arranged.
The gun is provided (if needed). There is a number of options (Mannlicher, CZ, IZ etc.).
If you shoot some animal for food, you do not have to pay any money. So, it may happen that you shoot a deer, elk, etc. for free.

Travel expenses depend on where you come from. Meeting point is Irkutsk - 450 km from the hunt area. All local transfers, food (3 meals per day), leading hunter's services, gun and accommodation for the entire tour should not cost more than 800 EUR.
so in english terms. how much is a EUR. in US dollars.

Welcome to the forum.
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"DeadI" wrote:so in english terms. how much is a EUR. in US dollars.

Welcome to the forum.
Sorry I did a mistake in my previous post. Cost is about 2500 EUR, not 800. Was thinking about another currency and simply did a mistake... So, it is 2500 EUR. In USD would be about 3 300 - 3 400. That is for the entire tour. Flights to Irkutsk and back are not included.
What they have elk in Siberia??? what type and what time of deer????
If you want to see an extreme hunt, try a western muley hunt with any number of these members on this forum. Siberia? Sounds a little high risk for me. :-k
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"IdahoMuley" wrote:What they have elk in Siberia??? what type and what time of deer????
They have more elk than you can imagine. For them to shoot an elk is nothing exciting, as they can eat it everyday if they want. For locals to get an elk it is like for us going to the shop and buying a piece of bread. What type - I do not know. But if you were interested, I could give them a call and ask.
Hey check this web site out http://www.worlddeer.org/elk.html what they call an elk is a moose that is weird
So youre talking about Elk+ Siberian Moose Siberian Brown/Grizzly Bear Siberian Reindeer/Caribou and Siberian Wolves and other animals.

Those moose are in some pretty remote areas and the use of helicoptor is needed sometimes. I know a guy that has taken most of the animals you mentioned over in Sibera. From what I underrstand it was great hunting but expensive for the travel..
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"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:So youre talking about Elk+ Siberian Moose Siberian Brown/Grizzly Bear Siberian Reindeer/Caribou and Siberian Wolves and other animals.

Those moose are in some pretty remote areas and the use of helicoptor is needed sometimes. I know a guy that has taken most of the animals you mentioned over in Sibera. From what I underrstand it was great hunting but expensive for the travel..
In that area were we go, in order to shoot a moose or bear you do not need a helicopter. However, it is always better to know exactly what you want to hunt and then prepare accordingly. What animas would you be interested in?
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"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:So youre talking about Elk+ Siberian Moose Siberian Brown/Grizzly Bear Siberian Reindeer/Caribou and Siberian Wolves and other animals.

Those moose are in some pretty remote areas and the use of helicoptor is needed sometimes. I know a guy that has taken most of the animals you mentioned over in Sibera. From what I underrstand it was great hunting but expensive for the travel..
Usually it takes two days to get a moose. A trip is normally done by a horse, skies or snow motorcycles. There is a special place with a lot of natural salt. That is where most of the moose come. Unfortunately to them...