Looking for info on old deer camps and cabins
7/13/12 4:27pm
I'm an avid vintage beer can collector (pre-1960) and would be interested in any insight into old deer camp, fishing camp, farm or cabin dumps that could contain a pile of old beer cans. I'd be willing to dig some if needed to get to any older cans. You would just have to point me in the general area (or a big pile of rust) and I'd enjoy a chance to go through the pile. I would love for a chance to collect up some of the old cans that litter the forests in your area if you or any of your fellow hunters can point me towards some old dumps that you might have seen. I'd also be willing to look under old buildings, in attics and in barns for old cans. I will be sure to respect any property and ensure that it is made safe for hunters to continue to enjoy. I'd be willing to make a valued donation to your hunting or deer camp for any leads that pan out.
I'd retired Army living in Florida but would be willing to travel anywhere with a confirmed lead on a location. I'd like to bring a friend with whenever possible to be able to get through the area quicker and safer. You can contact me (Keith) 813 679-2690keithker@hotmail.com or Steve 954 747-8657 teamtropical@hotmail.com .
I'd retired Army living in Florida but would be willing to travel anywhere with a confirmed lead on a location. I'd like to bring a friend with whenever possible to be able to get through the area quicker and safer. You can contact me (Keith) 813 679-2690
See, I have a cur mutt that learned to open the door many years ago because I taught him how. He used to fetch me a beer whenever I needed one. Well, one day he learned how to open them, which was great as I normally keep my finger nails trimmed very short. Over time, I started to notice less beer in the cans that he brought me. At first I thought he might be spilling some as he was getting up in age. Eventually, he'd go to get me a beer and it would be about five minutes before he brought me. Plus, I didn't think I was drinking my beer nearly as fast as it was dissappearing out of the 'fridge.
Soooooo, I decided to do a little investigating. Set up motion actived video cameras with infra-red, audio, the whole deal. The first couple of nights I think my dog was on to me as he helped install everything. As we all know, dogs don't have the best memories, other than who to bite and who not to bite, he kind of forgot about the system. Sure enough, every time I sent him for a beer for me, he drank one for himself!
Amazingly, once I presented him with the video AND audio evidence, he looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes and asked for an attorney!!!
Wait, what was the OP asking about again??? lol