Looking to trade CO. elk hunt for OK. TX hunt

Hey guys my name is Jeromy Jinks. I am looking to find someone to trade a hunt with. We are a group of 5 hunters that hunt in either Pagosa or Gunnison areas or anywhere u can purchase an over the counter bull elk tag. We are looking to trade a elk hunt for any species hunt in Oklahoma or Texas. We have access to thousands of acres of hunting land in oklahoma and texas one of us own a ranch that grow some impressive whitetails he has a 2yr old last year that went 195". But anyway come here hunt whatever you want kill a hog, bobcat, whitetail, coyote, turkey, ducks, geese, quail, dove we have lodging too just bring your stuff and hunt. We just need some help on getting on some bulls. If you just want to take me hunting thats fine or if you have room for 5 that would be great. We can take as many here also just get here we will take care of the rest. You can contact me at 580-228-4200 or jeromy.jinks@halliburton.com or Jeromy.jinks@yahoo.com

If you want to see some pics of animals we have killed just let me know i can get them to you
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if interested i can also get u on a red stag hunt
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No offfense but how does a 2 yr old deer go 195?Non typ?No amount of steroids or feed enhancment is going to grow a 195" typ wt in 2 .5 yrs....sounds like a haliburton line... #-o
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U should do some research before u go off and call people liars

    The Shipp Ranch breeding program consist of deer from South Texas and the Midwest. The Midwestern deer were introduced to Texas several years ago(1993), and all of the deer here now have been bred and born in Texas.We now we have several generations of Texas Raised Whitetails.These deer are Texas Tuff and are not pampered in any way. 

      We have added some outstanding 300 +BC Genetics threw our A-I program.  Redoy Magnum 267 BC at 5years old.  "ECLIPSE"   a 274BC  two year old, "HIGHROLLER"  418BC "DOC" Another 240+ inch 2 year old.  "SOARING EAGLE"  Over 300+ BC at 3year old.PRISON GUARD  a 265 BC 2 year old. All are pictured on our Artificial Insemination page.Hard Time a 231BC 2 year old. I-Max a 180BC 2 year old, Grandson of Max. POWERJACK  a 260 BC three year old son of Timber  Jack. This fall we will A I some does to "Lil Russ" near 400+ BC at 2 years of age and is one of the Largest 2 year olds in North America. He is a son of " Secret Weapon Son 400+ BC.

It's pretty simple to do the research just google 2 yr old white tail and tell all those people that they are liars too
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If would like to see a pic of the 195" 2 yr old look under my post in hunt swap part of the forum
Is this a high fence operation?
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Well there is high fence and 3000 + freerange scattered from central ok to central tx
Okay.....sorry not interested in high fence.....hopefully you'll be able to get someone willing to trade.
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we have a ton of free range hunting in Oklahoma and some in texas with good potiential to kill 140"+
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Your pen raised,geneticly enhanced,steroid fed bionic deer dont impress anyone here,we hunt mostly muleys and nobody here hunts penned game,there are plenty of elk pens in TX you can hunt,,why go to Co. and risk not killing something,thats almost like HUNTING! lol why not just hire a guide in CO. one of your monster pen raised bucks has to bring in more $ than you would spend on a Co. elk hunt,there are a few high fence elk pens in CO,maybe they would trade you?
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"halibutaddict" wrote:Your pen raised,geneticly enhanced,steroid fed bionic deer dont impress anyone here,we hunt mostly muleys and nobody here hunts penned game,there are plenty of elk pens in TX you can hunt,,why go to Co. and risk not killing something,thats almost like HUNTING! lol why not just hire a guide in CO. one of your monster pen raised bucks has to bring in more $ than you would spend on a Co. elk hunt,there are a few high fence elk pens in CO,maybe they would trade you?
im not looking to impress anyone here i have thousands of acres of free range deer hunting i have never hunted on this ranch. I have never hunted on any high fence ranch but my buddy owns the ranch and i just threw it in the post if someone would rather hunt the ranch hunt it. if they want to hunt the free range they are more than welcome to hunt the freerange. i have 4 whitetail on my wall all are over 140" and all was free range. If you think your little funny posts are going to piss me off or run me off then your wrong. I know your pissed because you tried to make me look like a liar and i proved that im not. so you come in here with your anger and try to be funny. Dont waste your time here im sure you can find better things to do than come here to harrass people. Grow up buddy and have a great day!
Simmer down guys. To each is own, If you dont like a post just dont reply. No need to go and take stabs at each other.
"bigbuck92" wrote:Simmer down guys. To each is own, If you dont like a post just dont reply. No need to go and take stabs at each other.
I agree, no need in the attacks. The gentleman just wanted to know if anyone would be interested in swapping hunts and helping each other out. Questions were asked and he answered them, plain and simple.
I know this is going off on a tangent.. but it got me wondering... sometimes in the human race people have Pituitary gland problems, and it makes them either freakishly large at a young age, or vice versa.. do you think its possible that this could also happen to animals? just wondering haha that would be pretty interesting to find out.
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I know that the deer on my buddies ranch are not on any type of steroids he feeds high protien. He has told me that he does alot of research on genetics and has came to that the Doe carries just as important genetics to having a large rack as the buck does too. so he gets a doe that he knows drops wide and long tines not so much on the mass then breeds her to a buck that is known for producing big mass and dont pay much attention to the tine length or the width or vice versa and it makes a buck with good mass wide and tall racks its not 100% successful but when it is it ends up like this. the top photo is the 195" 2yr old and the bottom one is the sire
i just have a tuff time finding anything even remotely interesting about it.
i would get just as excited, which is none at all, if it was a really big texas longhorn. :thumb